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프로젝트 설명

OrientDB is a NoSQL DBMS which can store 150,000 documents per second on common hardware. Even with a document-based database, the relationships are managed as in graph databases, with direct connections among records. You can traverse entire or parts of trees and graphs of records in a few milliseconds. It supports schema-less, schema-full, and schema-mixed modes, has a strong security profiling system based on users and roles, and supports SQL between the query languages. Thanks to the SQL layer, it's straightforward to use for people skilled in the relational world.

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2011-06-20 22:31 Back to release list

멀티 스레드 문제가 해결되었습니다. 인덱스 검색은 빠르게 화가되었습니다. 연산자 간의 SQL이 추가되었습니다. SQL ALTER 클래스 및 재산 명령을 ALTER은 refactor dB 스키마에 추가되었습니다. 콘솔 DROP 데이터베이스와 인덱스 명령이 추가되었습니다. 날짜 형식은 YYYY / MM / SS와 날짜를 처리하기 위해 추가되었습니다. SQL 별개의 (), 유니온 ()는 () 교차하고, 차이 () 함수가 추가되었습니다. MVCC (다중 버전 동시성 제어) 시스템은 기본적으로 거래를 외부에서도 사용할 수 있지만, 끌 수 있습니다. +는, -, *, /와 % 수학 작업은 SQL 쿼리에서 지원됩니다. 보안 검사가 적용됩니다. 서버가 Java6을 필요로하면서 코어, Java5와 호환됩니다.
Multi-thread problems were fixed. Index searching was mad faster. The SQL BETWEEN operator was added. The SQL ALTER CLASS and ALTER PROPERTY commands were added to refactor the db schema. Console DROP DATABASE and INDEXES commands were added. The DATE type was added to handle dates only with YYYY/MM/SS. The SQL distinct(), union(), intersect(), and difference() functions were added. MVCC (Multi-version Concurrency Control) system is enabled also outside transactions by default, but can be turned off. The +, -, *, /, and % math operations are supported in an SQL query. Security checks are enforced. The core is compatible with Java5, while the server needs Java6.

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