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프로젝트 설명

OrientDB is a NoSQL DBMS which can store 150,000 documents per second on common hardware. Even with a document-based database, the relationships are managed as in graph databases, with direct connections among records. You can traverse entire or parts of trees and graphs of records in a few milliseconds. It supports schema-less, schema-full, and schema-mixed modes, has a strong security profiling system based on users and roles, and supports SQL between the query languages. Thanks to the SQL layer, it's straightforward to use for people skilled in the relational world.

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2010-07-30 07:25 Back to release list

새로운 GraphDB 구현. 가져오기 및 JSON 형식으로 데이터베이스의 수출. 게으른로드 모음과지도에 대한 새로운 연결, 수영장, 지원. 클라이언트와 서버간에 전송을 최적화하는 새로운 가져오기 계획. 기록에 SQL 데이터 액세스 속성. config를 새로운 로깅. 새로운 명령을 (수입 데이터베이스, 수출 데이터베이스 클래스를 만들고, 비교 데이터베이스) 콘솔. 새로운 주석 개체 매핑을 제어할 수 : ODocumentId을 ORawBinding, 그리고 ODocumentInstance. 240 단위 테스트를 도달했습니다. 많은 버그에 대한 수정 (문제 추적 장치를 참조).
A new GraphDB implementation. Import and export of the database in JSON format. A new Connection Pool, Support for lazy loaded collections and maps. A new Fetch Plan to optimize transfer between the client and server. SQL access to the record attributes. A new Logging config. New console commands (import database, export database, create class, and compare database). New annotations to control object mapping: ORawBinding, ODocumentId, and ODocumentInstance. Reached 240 unit tests. Fixes for many bugs (see the issue tracker).

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