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프로젝트 설명

The OpenCA Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, full-featured and Open Source out-of-the-box Certification Authority implementing the most used protocols with full-strength cryptography world-wide. OpenCA is based on many Open-Source Projects. Among the supported software is OpenLDAP, OpenSSL, Apache Project, Apache mod_ssl.

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2001-01-30 15:13 Back to release list

초기 설명서 Docs 디렉터리 (LiX 및 PS), x509v3 extention (필요한 패치에 대한 초기 지원은 OpenSSL이 제대로 작동하려면 Masssimiliano Pala에서) 가능, 캘리포니아에 필요한 HTML 문서와 htdocs 디렉토리 / RA 서버에 포함되어있는 프로그램이 몇 가지 설명을 헤더에 추가 빈에서 / 및, 향상된 설치 스크립트를위한 디렉터리 (설치 캘리포니아).
Initial documentation available in the docs directory (LiX and PS),
initial support for x509v3 extention (needs patch to OpenSSL from
Masssimiliano Pala to properly work), included htdocs directory with
needed HTML documents for CA/RA server, added some explanation
headers to programs in the bin/ directory for
and, and improved installation script (install-ca).

Project Resources