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프로젝트 설명

The OpenCA Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, full-featured and Open Source out-of-the-box Certification Authority implementing the most used protocols with full-strength cryptography world-wide. OpenCA is based on many Open-Source Projects. Among the supported software is OpenLDAP, OpenSSL, Apache Project, Apache mod_ssl.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-11-02 03:37 Back to release list

그리스어 번역이 추가되었습니다. 디버그 / 더이상 비밀 번호와 개인 키를 포함 로그 인해주세요. 거기에 여러 가지 버그수정 및 코드를 정리합니다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A Greek translation has been added. Debug/log no longer includes passwords and private keys. There are various bugfixes and code cleanups.

Project Resources