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프로젝트 설명

LibrePlan is a Web application for project planning, monitoring, and control. It is a collaborative tool to plan, monitor, and control projects and has a rich Web interface that provides a desktop-like user experience. All the team members can take part in the planning, which makes it possible to have real-time planning. It was designed for a scenario where multiple projects and resources interact to carry out the work inside a company. It makes it possible to communicate with other company tools, providing a wide set of Web services to import and export data.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-03-16 08:36 Back to release list

이것은 모든 유지 보수 작업 및 1.2.1 이후 작은 향상을 포함 하 여 부 릴리스입니다. 이 버전에서 제공 하는 주요 개발은 다음 것 들: RPM 패키지, 두 개의 새로운 언어 (프랑스어 및 네덜란드어), 견인 새로운 계획 기능, 일부 작은 사용자 경험 향상 및 LDAP 인증 시스템 개선 되었습니다. 이것과 떨어져 그것은 사용자가 검색 하는 많은 문제에 대 한 수정 온다.
Tags: Stable, Minor
This is a minor release including all the maintenance work and small enhancements done since 1.2.1. The major developments that come with this version are the next ones: RPM packages, two new languages (French and Dutch), tow new planning features, some small user experience enhancements, and the LDAP authentication system has been improved. Apart from this, it comes with fixes for many issues detected by users.

Project Resources