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프로젝트 설명

Music Manager is a Konqueror plugin that lets you standardize the
filenames of your music files, guess information and set ID3 tags from
the file's name (this can be done to several files in one shot), rename
many selected files based on their ID3 tags, set ID3 tags in mass for
selected files with options for copying ID3s from other files and
leaving some ID3 fields untouched, rename _ to space and vice versa,
create HTML and text indexes of your collections (including total
playing time, etc., configurable through templates), create nice CD
covers with full listings of your music files (also configurable through
templates), and organize your music collection to create a CD.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
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2004-03-23 11:24 Back to release list

이 버전의 수정 프로그램이 몇 가지 대화 상자에서 크기를 조정 정책을 수정 장르는 ID3, 지수는 창조자,을 CSV 및 SQL에 대한 두 가지 새로운 형식을 추가, 실제로 CD를, 버그 수정의 모든 태그를 구울 수 있도록 사용자의 CD 루트 레이아웃 Makefile을 생성합니다 Musicman에 대해서, 그리고 이제 제대로 ID3v1은 ISO - 8859 인코딩을 설정합니다.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This version fixes the resize policy in some dialogs, fixes ID3 genres, adds two new formats for the index creator, CSV and SQL, generates a Makefile in the CD root layout, to help the user actually burn the CD, fixes all tagging bugs with regard to Musicman, and now correctly sets ID3v1 in ISO-8859 encoding.

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