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프로젝트 설명

mpop is a small, fast, and portable POP3 client. Its features include header-based email filtering (filter junk mail before downloading it), delivery to mbox files, maildir folders, or a mail delivery agent, a very fast POP3 implementation, many authentication methods, and good support for TLS/SSL.

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2008-06-08 04:42 Back to release list

이 릴리스에는 더 이상의 메시지의 많은 수천 ()와 TLS를 / SSL을 구성 개선 대용량 메일 박스의 성능을 향상시킵니다.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release further improves performance for
large mail boxes (with many thousands of messages)
and improves TLS/SSL configurability.

Project Resources