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프로젝트 설명

LocDemo demonstrates the functionality of libwlocate. After startup, it evaluates the current geographic position of the user and displays it within a map. This solution offers geographic localization that works without the use of GPS and without submitting tracking or position data to commercial providers of such services.

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2012-01-03 16:30 Back to release list

libwlocate 및 LocDemo 응용 프로그램 안 드 로이드, 허용 기본 더 나은 개인 정보 보호 정책 variant를 교체 안 드 로이드 geolocation 서비스에 포팅 했다.
Tags: Android, privacy, GPS, WLAN
libwlocate and the LocDemo application were ported to Android, allowing the default Android geolocation services to be replaced by a variant with better privacy.

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