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프로젝트 설명

Liquid War is a truly original multiplayer wargame. You control an army formed with thousands of pixels (fighters) which look like liquid and try to eat your opponent. You can play against a primitive NPC/AI or up to 5 other human players. Network play is available.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
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2004-01-11 22:00 Back to release list

랜덤 맵 생성기를 이제 윈도우에서 완벽하게 작동합니다. 유닉스 정적 바이너리 패키지 알레그로,의 BSD에서 일부 리눅스 배포판의 일부는 아직 원인 불명의 segfaults 막을 수 라이터 버전에 대한 링크되었습니다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The random map generator now works fully under Windows. Unix static binary packages have been linked against a lighter version of Allegro, which could prevent some yet unexplained segfaults on BSD and some Linux distributions.

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