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프로젝트 설명

The libmba package is a collection of mostly independent C modules potentially useful to any project. There are the usual ADTs including a linkedlist, hashmap, pool, stack, and varray, a flexible memory allocator, CSV parser, path canonicalization routine, I18N text abstraction, configuration file module, portable semaphores, condition variables, and more. The code is designed so that individual modules can be integrated into existing codebases rather than requiring the user to commit to the entire library. The code has no typedefs, few comments, and extensive man pages and HTML documentation.

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2005-04-29 22:55 Back to release list

이동성이 크게 향상되었습니다. 그것은 컴파일되어 OSF1는 HP - UX에서 테스트, 리눅스, 맥 OS X, 그리고는 FreeBSD, gcc가 DECC와,와 AC + +. 저기, 또한 약간의 수정 및 기능 향상되었습니다.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Portability has been greatly improved. It has been compiled and tested on OSF1, HP-UX, Linux, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD with gcc, DECC, and aC++. There have also been some minor modifications and enhancements.

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