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프로젝트 설명

libdbi implements a database-independent abstraction layer in C, similar to the DBI/DBD layer in Perl. Writing one generic set of code, programmers can leverage the power of multiple databases and multiple simultaneous database connections by using this framework. The plugin architecture allows for new database drivers to be easily added by a third party with flexible licensing.

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2005-09-01 00:18 Back to release list

내부 signedness 철저하게 제거하고 자동 입력 i386을 ()에 대한 개정을 시도 주류 리눅스와 BSD 시스템에서 64 비트 플랫폼을 포함하는 이동성을 향상 이외에 불일치. 연결 문자 인코딩에 대한 지원 및 이진 문자열을 인용 추가했다. 설명서를 업데이 트했습니다. 기본 Win32 이제 Cygwin에서 포트를 추가로 지원됩니다 MinGW을 사용하여 빌드합니다.
Tags: Major bugfixes
The internals were thoroughly revised to remove signedness and silent (on i386) type mismatches in an attempt to improve portability beyond the mainstream Linux and BSD systems, including 64bit platforms. Support for connection character encodings and for quoting binary strings was added. The documentation was updated. Native Win32 builds using Mingw are now supported in addition to the Cygwin port.

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