Download List

프로젝트 설명

Leafnode is a news server, suitable for small, limited-bandwidth sites with only a few users (and useful for offline news reading). Leafnode keeps track of which groups are being read and downloads only articles in those groups. Leafnode has been designed to require no maintenance and to be easy to set up.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-04-09 14:51 Back to release list

비 - 만료 뉴스 그룹 지금은 상류에서 삭제 후에도 제공됩니다. noactive = 0 = 0 이제 제대로 작동 nodesc. 가종 결되지 라인을 정기적으로 파일에 사용할 수있습니다. Applyfilter 일치되기 전에 헤더를 펼쳐 더이상 bodyless 메시지를 제거합니다. 몇 가지 로깅이 버그가 수정되었습니다. Delaybody 다운로드 마커를 더 신중하게 처리됩니다. 여러 업데이 트를 필터링 문서를 만든 파일을 설치 및 매뉴얼 페이지를 fetchnews. 이제 - debuginfo 패키지입니다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Non-expiring newsgroups are now offered even after
upstream deletion. noactive=0 and nodesc=0 now
work properly. Unterminated lines are permitted in
regular files. Applyfilter unfolds headers before
matching, and no longer removes bodyless messages.
Several logging bugs were fixed. Delaybody
download markers are handled more carefully.
Several updates were made to the filtering
documentation, INSTALL file, and fetchnews manual
page. There is now a -debuginfo package.

Project Resources