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프로젝트 설명

lcdtest is a utility to display monitor test
patterns. It was originally written for use with LCD monitors, and may be useful in finding pixels that are stuck on or off as well as for adjustment (automatic or manual). However, it can be useful for CRT monitors as well. lcdtest uses the SDL library, and has been used on Linux with X and on Windows, but may work on other platforms supported by SDL.

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2010-02-18 20:22 Back to release list

이 릴리스 SDL_ttf 아니라 SFont보다 텍스트를 렌더링 및 무료 LiberationMono - 일반 트루타입 글꼴을 사용하여 사용합니다. SCons는 1.20를 사용하는 빌드 시스템을 업데이 트했습니다. 사용중지됨 SCons는 일부 기능을 사용 탈락했다. 라이센스 GPL v3을 위해 변경되었습니다.
This release uses SDL_ttf to render text rather than SFont, and uses the free LiberationMono-Regular TrueType font. The build system was updated to use SCons 1.20. The use of some deprecated SCons features was eliminated. The license was changed to the GPLv3.

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