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The klish is a framework for implementing Cisco-like command-line interfaces on Unix systems. It is configurable through XML files. "Klish" stands for "Kommand Line Interface SHell". The klish is a fork of clish-0.7.3. The original clish was developed by Graeme McKerrell. The klish adds some new features, but is compatible (as much as possible) with clish's XML configuration files.

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2012-09-04 23:33 Back to release list

명령 기록 추가 되었습니다. SIGHUP 신호는 interruptable이 아닌 액션 스크립트 실행 하는 동안 차단 됩니다. 신호를 먼저 차단 하 비 interruptable 스크립트에서 데몬 시작 하는 새로운 sigexec 유틸리티를 사용 해야 합니다.
Tags: history SIGHUP sigexec
Command history was added. The SIGHUP signal is blocked during non-interruptable ACTION script execution. A new sigexec utility must be used to start daemons from non-interruptable scripts to unblock signals first.

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