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프로젝트 설명

JCSC is a powerful tool that checks source code against a highly definable coding standard for potentially bad code. Standards cover naming conventions for classes, interfaces, fields, and parameters, and the structural layout of classes and interfaces. Each rule is highly customizable. It can also find potential bugs, including empty catch/finally blocks, switches without defaults, throwing 'Exception' types, and slow code. JCSC was inspired by lint.

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2003-02-11 08:08 Back to release list

이 릴리스에는 다음과 같은 방법으로 선언 JCSC 규칙을 에디터 버그 중괄호와 함께 문제를 해결했습니다. 특정 예외가 지금 JCSC 개미 작업이 기능을 'startdate'및 'failvalue'속성 UI로 JVM을 버전 몇 가지 맞춤법 검사 오류, 이제는 마지막 위치를 기억 파일 선택기는 고정됐다 체크되어 개선되었다 잡았있습니다. 개미 JCSC 작업 에러 핸들링, 그리고 각종 개선 및 개선됐다 버그수정되었다.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release fixed a bug in the JCSC Rules Editor and a problem with curly braces following method declarations. Specific exceptions are now caught, the JCSC Ant task now features 'startdate' and 'failvalue' properties, the UI was improved, the JVM version is checked, some spell checking errors were fixed, and the file chooser now remembers its last position. JCSC Ant task error handling was improved, and other various improvements and bugfixes were made.

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