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프로젝트 설명

IPA Zounds models language sound changes
by applying a given set of sound change rules
to a given lexicon. It has a built-in model of
the International Phonetic Alphabet, allowing
users to write input words in IPA characters
and rules using those characters or the
distinctive features of the model.

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2004-11-20 11:19 Back to release list

유니 코드 변환기 IPA는 X로부터의 전환 - SAMPA 수 있도록, 그리고 확장되었다 커맨드 라인 옵션을 허용 ipa.py에 추가되었습니다 엑스 - SAMPA 입력 및 출력. X와 문제 - SAMPA 데이터를 유니 코드로 구성된 IPA에 잘못된 문자 매핑 관계 및 버전 2.4 또는 저장 PyGTK의 고정을 확인했다 GUI가 추가되었습니다.
Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement
The converter was expanded to allow conversion from Unicode IPA to X-SAMPA, and a command line option was added to to allow X-SAMPA input and output. Problems with X-SAMPA data involving incorrect character mapping to Unicode IPA were fixed and a check for version 2.4 or later of PyGTK was added to the GUI.

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