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프로젝트 설명

IPA Zounds models language sound changes
by applying a given set of sound change rules
to a given lexicon. It has a built-in model of
the International Phonetic Alphabet, allowing
users to write input words in IPA characters
and rules using those characters or the
distinctive features of the model.

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2006-02-17 09:35 Back to release list

리버스 applier GUI가 추가되었습니다. 사투리, 규칙 그룹, 영구적인 규칙 및 날짜 규칙이 추가되었으며, 제한된 변환을 허용 구문 파일입니다. 능력이 변환을 취소하려면 추가되었습니다. 특정 문제의 오류 처리 향상됐다. 문서 튜토리얼은 좀더 같이 수정되었습니다.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
The reverse applier was added to the GUI.
Dialects, rule groups, persistent rules, and dates
were added to the rules file syntax, allowing
restricted transformations. The ability to cancel
transformations was added. Error handling of
certain problems was improved. The documentation
was revised to be more like a tutorial.

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