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프로젝트 설명

icli is a command line interface to the Icinga monitoring software. You can use it to list service/host status with many filtering options, schedule rechecks, and acknowledge service problems. Basic support for viewing the command queue and scheduled downtimes is also present. It is largely compatible with Nagios.

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2012-06-02 06:14 Back to release list

이 릴리스에-U 추가 /-로 접촉만 검사 특정 연락처를 볼 수를 표시 하는 옵션. (사용 하지 않는 icli 액세스를 제한 합니다.) icli는 지금 List::MoreUtils 모듈에 따라 달라 집니다.
This release adds a -U/--as-contact option to only display checks visible to a certain contact. (Do not use this to limit icli access.) icli now depends on the List::MoreUtils module.

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