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프로젝트 설명

The GTK Programmer's Calendar is intended for
people who think about time in terms of files and
projects, and for people for whom what happened is
more important that what will happen (e.g., "what
projects did I work on last Thursday?" or "My last
three days of work needs to be thrown away; how do
I get it out?").

System Requirements

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2002-10-02 02:01 Back to release list

이 릴리스의 원활한 멀티 캘린더 지원, 어떤 달력을 사용하면 항목을 추가하면, 선택하고 잘라내기 및 캘린더를 사이에 붙여넣기 항목을 허용하고있다. 훨씬 부드럽고입니다. '새 항목 단추를 당신에게 추가할 수있는 캘린더를 선택 마우스 오른쪽 단추로 메뉴에 추가되었습니다. 팝업 메뉴를 클릭시 창을 닫습니다 해결되었습니다. 캘린더 장전 데이터를 붙여넣 / 새 항목 이후에 수정되었습니다. 문서가 업데이 트되었습니다. 항목을 붙여넣 팝업 캘린더를 선택할 수있습니다. 넌 이미 항목이 하루에 붙여넣을 수있습니다.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release has seamless multi-calendar support, allowing you to choose to which calendar you add entries, and cut and paste entries between calendars. It is much smoother. A 'new' entry button has been added to the right click menu which lets you select which calendar to add to. Popup menus have been fixed to close upon a window click. The calendar has been fixed to reload data after a paste/new entry. Documents have been updated. The paste entry lets you choose a calendar in a popup. You can paste into a day that already has entries.

Project Resources