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프로젝트 설명

GMAMEUI is a front-end for MAME on Linux. It helps the user play and configure arcade games more easily. GMAMEUI is an enhancement of GXMame, fixing a number of long-standing bugs, including adding support for SDLMame in preference over the now-obsolete X-MAME. New UI features were also added.

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2008-05-15 22:41 Back to release list

버그 ROM을 가능한 필터 부문에서 처음 수정되었습니다 필터링되지 않을 일으켰습니다. 코드 정리를 완료했다. 중복 코드가 제거되었습니다. 일부 컴파일 / 실행 시간을 GTK는 경고를 시작했다. 성능 향상됐다 고정되었다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A bug which caused ROMs not to be filtered in
availability filter categories was fixed. Code
cleanup was done. Redundant code was removed. Some
compile/run-time GTK warnings were fixed.
Performance improvements on startup were made.

Project Resources