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프로젝트 설명

The Distributed Library Project is a distributed library of people's books and videos. It is an experiment in creating community and sharing information. Users create accounts complete with bios and interest enumerations, then list the books and videos that they own. Those users are then free to browse the books that others have listed, sorted by proximity, interest, and book commonality. If a book or video is available, a user can check it out directly from the owner. There is an eBay-style feedback system for managing trust--users who return books on time get positive feedback, while users who damage books or return them late get negative feedback. These points create an overall "score" that lenders can use to judge the trustworthiness of a borrower. The system also supports user reviews, ISBN lookups, and collaboritve filtering.

System Requirements

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2003-09-05 23:00 Back to release list

전체 언어 템플릿 지원, 프랑스어, 독일어 번역, 하위 디렉토리에 설치 지원, geolookup 버그에 대한 수정 프로그램 목록을 읽고, 그리고 사소한 버그수정 날 '로그인 기능은 기억 ISBN을 조회 업데이 트가 제대로 편집기 리뷰, 관심 검색 질서 유지.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Full language templating support, French and German language translations, subdirectory installation support, fixes for geolookup bugs, reading lists maintain order, a 'remember me' login feature, ISBN lookup retrieves editor reviews, interests update correctly, and minor bugfixes.

Project Resources