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프로젝트 설명

GEXEC is a scalable cluster remote execution
system which provides fast, RSA-authenticated
remote execution of parallel and distributed jobs.
It provides transparent forwarding of stdin,
stdout, stderr, and signals to and from remote
processes, provides local environment propagation,
and is designed to be robust and to scale to
systems of over 1000 nodes.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-06-05 20:33

라이선스는 GPL BSD 라이선스로 변경했다. Ganglia 3.x에서이 릴리스와 호환됩니다
The license was changed from the GPL to the BSD license. This release is compatible with Ganglia 3.x.

2004-09-27 15:06

이 릴리스 GEXEC와 같은 리눅스 배포판의 최신 작동하도록하려면 LinuxThreads에서 작은 버그에 대한 해결 방법을 포함하고는 Red Hat 9.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release includes small workarounds for bugs
in LinuxThreads to allow GEXEC to work with newer
distributions of Linux, such as Red Hat 9.

2002-04-30 06:47

IA64에 이동성에 대한 포인터 산술 패치의 추가.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Addition of a pointer arithmetic patch for portability to IA64.

2002-04-25 03:30

같은 Ganglia 2.3.0b5, 이는 잘 알려진 버그가 포함된 반대 Ganglia 2.3.0b6와 RPM이 바이너리에 연결.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Linking with Ganglia 2.3.0b6 in the binary RPM as opposed to Ganglia 2.3.0b5, which contained a well-known bug.

2002-04-22 23:02

중요 사건에 대한 오류 메시지가 어디에 원격 chdir이나 간부, 노드를 선택 gexec_hosts의 사용에 실패 Ganglia를 사용했을 때, GEXEC_GMOND_SVRS하려면 = "localhost를 디폴트 : 8649"노드를 선택하면 불특정이다 (그리고 Ganglia 지원), 그리고 몇 가지 버그수정 컴파일됩니다.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Important error messages for cases where a remote chdir or exec fails, use of gexec_hosts for node selection when using Ganglia, defaulting to GEXEC_GMOND_SVRS="localhost:8649" when node selection is unspecified (and Ganglia support is compiled in), and several bugfixes.

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