Project Description

Calligra is an integrated suite of applications that cover office, creative, and management needs. It offers applications on both desktop computers and mobile platforms like tablets and smartphones. OpenDocument Format (ODF) is used, making it compatible with, LibreOffice, and Microsoft Office. Calligra Suite contains the following applications: Calligra Words (word processor), Sheets (spreadsheets), Stage (presentations), Flow (diagrams and flowcharts), Kexi (visual database creator), Braindump (note taking), Plan (project management), Krita (drawing), and Karbon (vector graphics).

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2021-09-11 23:56
Review by むさ

(0 of 0 people found this review helpful)
使えない 日本語は表示されないし、サイドパネルがでかすぎて、肝心の表示域がほとんどない。 最小化もできないので、ツールパレットを表示するだけのソフト。
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