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프로젝트 설명

Cairo is a vector graphics library with cross-device output support. It currently supports the X Window System and in-memory image buffers as output targets. It is designed to produce identical output on all output media while taking advantage of display hardware acceleration when available (eg. through the X Render Extension). It provides a stateful user-level API with capabilities similar to the PDF 1.4 imaging model and provides operations including stroking and filling Bezier cubic splines, transforming and compositing translucent images, and antialiased text rendering.

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2008-11-01 03:11 Back to release list

지금은 카이로를 구축 어떤 글꼴 백엔드없이, 대부분의 경우 응용 프로그램이 사용자 글꼴 글꼴 렌더링 API를 통해 사용자 정의를 제공합니다 유용이 가능합니다. 안전 장치를 대체 글꼴, 그래도이 제공됩니다. 컴파일 속도 업 및 최적화 몇몇되었다. 많은 버그가 수정되었습니다.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
It is now possible to build Cairo without any font backend, which is most useful when the application provides custom font rendering through the user-font API. A failsafe fallback font is provided, though. Several compilation speed-ups and optimizations were made. Many bugs were fixed.

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