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프로젝트 설명

BSDBuild is a portable, self-contained build system with support for concurrent building, configure script generation, and IDE "project file" generation. It is derived from the original 4.4BSD build system, but it offers a degree of portability comparable to autotools.

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2011-06-20 22:49 Back to release list

다양한 수정은 NetBSD 플랫폼되었다. 일부 시험 (xinerama, clock_win32, sdl_ttf, agar_au) 추가되었습니다. 지속 BSDBuild 지금 영예 $ {DESTDIR}. 기본 "입니다 - J"문제는 해결되었습니다. 내장 시험은 기본적으로 GCC 4.6 "- 벽"을 해결하기 위해 조정되었습니다. $ {} LIB_MODULE 설정 (5)에 추가되었습니다.
Various fixes were made for the NetBSD platform. Some tests were added (xinerama, clock_win32, sdl_ttf, agar_au). BSDBuild now honors ${DESTDIR} consistently. The default "make -j" behavior was fixed. The built-in tests were tweaked to work around default GCC 4.6 "-Wall". The ${LIB_MODULE} setting was added to

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