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프로젝트 설명

Brazilfw is a mini-distribution designed for
setting up network utility services such as
Internet connection sharing, firewalling, or
wireless access points. The goal is to make it as
quick and easy as possible to set up a Linux
system with only a minimal amount of Linux
knowledge. The main goal of BrazilFW is to
continue the development of what was the Coyote
Linux floppy firewall system.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-03-17 22:24 Back to release list

리눅스 커널 2.4.32. 통합 QOS를 함께 서브넷을 지원합니다. 고급 라우터 옵션을 커널에 추가되었습니다. 브릿지 방화벽 지원 (Ebtables). 가상 LAN을 지원 (802.1Q). 무선 도구가 업그레 이드되었습니다. L7으로 필터 및 프로토콜을 업그레이 드되었습니다. CBQ 기반 QOS를. 새로운 iptables 옵션 (시간, ConnLimit, iprange, 그리고 다중). 새로운 피부. MPG로 Webadmin 인터페이스가 활성화되었습니다. PPTP 서버. USB 펜 드라이브에 설치 디스크에 의해 지원됩니다. 마이너 버그수정 및 훨씬 더.
Linux kernel 2.4.32. Support for subnetting with integrated QOS. Advanced router options have been added to the kernel. Bridged firewalling support (Ebtables). Virtual LAN support (802.1Q). Wireless tools have been upgraded. L7 Filter and protocols have been upgraded. CBQ-based QOS. New iptables options (time, connlimit, iprange, and multiport). A new skin. Webadmin interface by MPG has been enabled. A PPTP server. USB pen drives are supported by the installer disk. Minor bugfixes and much more.

Project Resources