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프로젝트 설명

Boxtream is both an audio and video encoder and streamer and an assembly of audio and video hardware, forming a mobile video streaming studio. It is designed to easily record and stream live presentations, including a presenter and synchronized slides, or slides only, or presenter only. It was built to stream live courses over the Internet for distance learning students. It supports and autodetects several brands and models of video switchers. It can be entirely controlled remotely over XML-RPC, and includes an X11 interface. By default, it supports seven different streaming and recording scenarios. The software part can also be used with very minimal hardware, like a DV camcorder and a laptop, or even with only a USB webcam.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
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2008-04-27 15:14 Back to release list

크레이머 비디오 스위처에 대한 기본 지원이 추가되었습니다. / 기본 하드웨어 구성에서 승 동기화 문제를 해결했다. Graphviz 파일이 자동으로 실행 GStreamer 파이프라인에서 생성됩니다 점입니다. 패키지는 이제 일반적인 하드웨어 아키텍처의 스키마가 포함되어있습니다. 작은 버그수정 및 기능 개선이 많은 장소를 온통 다했다. 라이선스 조건은 GNU GPL 3.0 또는 나중에 바뀌었다. 당신이 하나를 설치하기 전에 기존 버전을 삭제해야합니다, 스트리밍 시나리오에 이름이 바뀐 이후로 알고 있어야합니다.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Basic support for Kramer video switchers was
added. An A/V sync problem in the default hardware
configuration was fixed. Graphviz dot files are
generated automatically from the running GStreamer
pipeline. The package now includes the schema of
the general hardware architecture. Lots of small
bugfixes and improvements were done all over the
place. Licensing terms were changed to GNU GPL 3.0
or later. Be aware that you must delete the
existing version before installing this one, since
the streaming scenarios have been renamed.

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