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프로젝트 설명

Bluefish is a programmer's Web development editor written using GTK, designed to save the experienced webmaster some keystrokes. It features a multiple file editor, multiple toolbars, custom menus, image and thumbnail dialogs, open from the Web, CSS dialogs, PHP, HTML, Java, C, and XML support, external program integration (tidy, weblint, make, javac), and lots of wizards.

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2010-07-06 10:29 Back to release list

개선, 향상된 기능을 indenting, 그리고 CFML (융합)를 지원하는 향상된 맞춤법 검사, 오른쪽 여백 표시를 포함합니다. 버그수정는 HTML 태그 대화 상자 및 2 개의 이국적인 segfault 수정 프로그램의 몇 픽스를 포함합니다. 기본 Windows 지원은 2.0.0에 비해 개선이 들어 있구요, 네이티브 맥 OS X 패키지입니다.
Tags: Stable, Minor feature enhancements, Minor bugfixes
Enhancements include improved spell checking, right margin display, improved indenting functionality, and CFML (cold fusion) support. Bugfixes include fixes in a couple of HTML tag dialogs and two exotic segfault fixes. Native Windows support has improved compared to 2.0.0, and there is a native Mac OS X package.

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