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프로젝트 설명

beancounter enables stockmarket data analysis and performance evaluation. It has two main modes. The first is data gathering - both current data (e.g. closing prices, high, low, volume etc.) and historical price data can be retrieved efficiently using multiple securities per requests, and stored in an SQL database (PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite are supported) via easy command line operations. The second mode is data analysis, based on the previously stored data. This comprises various performance reports, as well as a Value-at-Risk analysis. beancounter is implemented as a Perl module, and a Perl command-line frontend to the module. It supports different stock markets from around the globe, foreign exchange rates, US mutual funds, and US options.

System Requirements

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2006-03-16 06:32 Back to release list

데이터베이스 액세스 코드가 향상되었습니다 : 완료 ()는 항상 선택되어 있는지 확인 핸들 성명 및 전화입니다 dBi 초기화 간소화되었습니다. 정의되지 않은 변수에 대한 추가 검사가 추가되었습니다 통화를 매핑하는 코드가 개편되었습니다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The database access code has been improved:
finish() is always called, statement handles are
checked, and DBI initialization has been
simplified. More tests for undefined variables
have been added, and the currency mapping code has
been reorganized.

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