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프로젝트 설명

AMS (Asterisk Manager Suite) is a suite of
software intended to make day to day
administration and monitoring of an Asterisk PBX
server easier. It contains a daemon that acts as a
proxy to Asterisk's Manger Interface, a GTK GUI
application for monitoring and administration, and a C library for communicating with Asterisk's Manager Interface.

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2007-04-28 01:25 Back to release list

AMI가와 AMP 기능을 가진 사용자와 의사 소통 - libami에서 별표와 AMP 내에서 모듈을 내장하도록 업데이 트되었습니다. AMP는 기능을 가진 날 행사 및 해제 및 로그인시 클라이언트에 업데이 트되었습니다. 미국 의학 협회는 Win32 버전에 대한 몇 가지 버그수정왔다. 에는 의학에 대한 다른 업데이 트됩니다. AMI는 버전은 0.9.4입니다, AMP 버전은 0.9.6이고, 의학 버전은 0.9.7입니다.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
AMI and AMP have been updated with functionality to allow communication with custom-built modules for asterisk from libami and from within AMP. AMP has also been updated with the functionality to turn on and off events on the fly and at login for clients. AMA has had several bugfixes for the Win32 version. There are no other updates for AMA. AMI is version 0.9.4, AMP is version 0.9.6, and AMA is version 0.9.7.

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