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프로젝트 설명

Ample SDK is a standards-based cross-browser JavaScript UI framework for building Rich Internet Applications running in a Web browser. It employs XML technologies (such as XUL, SVG, and HTML5) for UI layout, CSS for UI style, and JavaScript with DOM or jQuery APIs for application logic client-side. Ample SDK equalizes browsers and brings technology support to those missing any. The componentization model built into the core of the framework allows prototyping existing UI elements and creating new ones.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-12-04 15:56 Back to release list

이 릴리스의 주요 개발 초점은 SDK-런타임의 핵심 모듈의 기능과 안정성을 개선 했다. 여러 조작 모든 UI 언어 구현도 적용 했다. 거의 100 문제 및 기능 요청 커뮤니티 사용자 의견 및 지원 덕분에이 버전에서 해결 되었습니다. 중 하이라이트는 i e 6-9, so_reuseaddr 함수, 날짜 now () shim에 대 한 CSS3 전환 심 XUL 관찰 하 고 오버레이 요소, 지원에 대 한 사용자 지정 이벤트 인터페이스 및 XML 처리 명령, 콘텐츠 @aml와 지역화: 콘텐츠 및 @aml: 값 특성 및 더 많은.
Tags: Stable
The main development focus in this release was on improving stability and features of the core module of the SDK - runtime. Multiple tweaks were applied across all UI languages implementations too. Almost a hundred issues and feature requests have been addressed in this version, thanks to community feedback and support. Amongst the highlights are a CSS3 transitions shim for IE6-9, a bind() function, Date now() shims, XUL observes and overlay elements, support for custom Event interfaces and XML processing instructions, content localization with @aml:content and @aml:values attributes, and more.

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