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프로젝트 설명

The Infotrope ACAP Server is an implementation of
RFC2244, complete with asynchronous notification
of changes, stored search results, ACLs, and data
inheritance, etc. It supports TLS and SASL
encryption as well as the entire base standard,
plus a few optional extensions. ACAP allows
applications to store configuration data in a way
that is standard, fully interoperable, and easily
managed by users, administrators, and technical
support teams alike. Infotrope's key features
include the ability to randomly crash the server
without data loss, and backing up of data (even
while it's being written) without losing

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-07-15 01:40

종류의 버그에 대한 수정 프로그램이 잘못된 말, 그리고 데비안 패키징에 시작하는 새 메일링리스트를 NIL 값을 넣어.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A fix for a bug with SORT that put NIL values at the wrong end, a new mailing list, and a start on Debian packaging.

2003-07-05 04:13

따라서 홀수 죄없는 세상을 향해 떠맡기다 릴리스 번호가됐다. 그리고, 데이터 손실에 버그가 심하게 의해 형식의 XML 인한 데이브 didst 슬루, 그리고 또 다른 버그가 쓰여지고 그것도 아니라 데이터 손실 버그가 있었지만, 멀베리 하나처럼 보이게 비트 didst. 그리고 거기에 진짜로 운다과 이빨이 시간 gnashing 꽤됐다. (다면 뽕나무과 0.0.4를 사용하려고하면 이러한 버그로 실행해야합니다.이 버전은 작동합니다. 죄송합니다.)
Tags: Major bugfixes
And thus was an odd-numbered release foist upon the unsuspecting
world. And Dave didst slew a DATA LOSS bug caused by badly-formatted
XML being written, and another bug too that wasn't a data loss bug,
but Mulberry didst make it look a bit like one. And there really was
quite a bit of wailing and gnashing of teeth this time. (If you did
try using 0.0.4 with Mulberry, you'll have run into these bugs. This
version works. Sorry.)

2003-07-02 14:40

그리고 thusly 꽤 합리적인 작업 상태에 들어가면, 그리고 상대적으로 영광 TLS를 지원 didst SASL 암호화를 지원도했다. 가게 명령 didst 결국 방출 ENTRY 응답합니다. didst 그리고 수많은 작은 적합성 오류, 대부분은 어떠한 대 나쁜 함께 할 진심으로 고정. 그리고, 당연히, 많은 소리와 치아의 gnashing,하지만 솔직히 아무도 왜 그런지 모른다했다.
Tags: Major bugfixes
And thusly didst the TLS support get into a pretty reasonable working condition, and relatively glorious was the SASL encryption support, too. And the STORE command didst finally emit ENTRY responses. And numerous minor conformance errors, mostly to do with NO vs. BAD, didst truly get fixed. And there was, naturally, much wailing and gnashing of teeth, although frankly nobody knows why.

2003-06-20 16:37

이오 들어, autoconf를 지원 한을 코드에 따라 배치되었습니다! 따라서 spake 데이브, 저기, 그리고 힘센 모르는 많은 버그가 바람에 캐스팅되어 한을 bugfixing되었습니다. 많은 생각을 지원하고 영광스러운 STARTTLS의 시작 이었지. 하지만 그 가게의 명령을 방출하지 중급 ENTRY 반응에서 비롯되는. 그리고 많이 운다 이빨 등 gnashing했다
Tags: Minor bugfixes
For lo, autoconf support hath been placed upon the code! And thus
spake Dave, there hath been many bugs cast to the winds, and mighty
hath been the bugfixing. And glorious was the beginnings of the
STARTTLS support much thought about. But the STORE command doth not
emit intermediate ENTRY responses. And there was much wailing and
gnashing of teeth, etc.

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