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프로젝트 설명

The Infotrope ACAP Server is an implementation of
RFC2244, complete with asynchronous notification
of changes, stored search results, ACLs, and data
inheritance, etc. It supports TLS and SASL
encryption as well as the entire base standard,
plus a few optional extensions. ACAP allows
applications to store configuration data in a way
that is standard, fully interoperable, and easily
managed by users, administrators, and technical
support teams alike. Infotrope's key features
include the ability to randomly crash the server
without data loss, and backing up of data (even
while it's being written) without losing

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-07-28 20:31

DEPTH 1가 제대로 subdatasets을 발견하지 못했습니다 일부 고객은 RFC 에라 타와 함께 문제가 수정되었습니다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
An RFC errata issue with DEPTH 1, which prevented some clients from discovering subdatasets correctly, has been fixed.

2005-07-22 07:06

변경 사항이 많이되었다. 서버는 이제 더 준수, 그리고보다 안정적인 속도입니다.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Lots of changes were made. The server is now
faster, more compliant, and more stable.

2004-12-08 17:36

특히 짜증나는 버그가 어디에 서버를 지속적으로 수정되었습니다 데이터 저장소의 전체 덤프를 수행하는 것이다. 이것은 어떤 데이터 손실이 발생하지 않았지만, 정말 바보했다.
Tags: Major bugfixes
A particularly annoying bug where the server would
constantly perform full dumps of the datastore was fixed.
This did not cause any data loss, but was really silly.

2004-11-30 15:37

몇몇의 주요 업데이 트를 마지막으로 공식 출시된 이후, 많은 문서를 포함하여, 더 나은 적합성을 훨씬 빠른 속도, 적은 버그를 제출했다.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Several major updates were made since the last
formal release, including more documentation, much
faster speed, fewer bugs, and better conformance.

2003-11-05 20:27

이진 데이터 스토리지 버그수정, 그리고 루트로 실행되지 않는 호기심 문서화하는 방식입니다. 미정 베타 후보로 설명했다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Binary data storage bugfixes, and a curiously undocumented method for not running as root. Tentatively described as a beta candidate.

Project Resources