01 FINALUNA API (3.2.0) | 2012-02-20 18:00 |
02 API詳細設計書.doc (3.2.0) | 2012-02-20 18:00 |
FINALUNA is NTTDATA's solution which we extended our own Open System Development Solution (TERASOLUNA) for the financial system and created based on the financial system needs.
FINALUNA API is java interface for use in business logic for the purpose of separating framework which realizes a processing mode and non-functioning requirements from business logic which realizes functional requirements
as an independent component.
Each component can be developed separately by ridding the dependency between components.
Specifically, business logic can be maintained for a long time period independently from upgrading of HW/MW products, crossovering to other rival brands or changing framework or processing mode etc.
Implement classes defined for each execution environment are generated.
○Implementation Method
○Configration Outline Chart of FINALUNA API
Explanation about each API is shown below.
Possbile to describe business logic that is standardized more by using FINALUNA type within business logic.
FINALUNA type can be added by extending base of FINALUNA type or existing FINALUNA type for each project.
○Message I/O
Input data and output data of business logic and framework are performed via DTO. Framework have a role to execute data extraction from resource (file or database) as input source or data insertion to output target.
For this reason, developer can concentrate on business logic development without thinking of input-and-output resource.
DTO holds information including conversion rule between java standard type of API, and FINALUNA type etc.
(※) While business developer needs to set up this rule, in FINALUNA java is adopted for formula although java and XML can be considered for setting it.
Reason is that readability of Java is higher than XML and that it is thought that development efficiency of java improves by supporting compile-checking by IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
○DB, File I/O, Shared Valiable
At business logic when accessing to external resources like a file, database and shared variable, DAO which FINALUNA provides is used.
By using DAO, even if developers do not know access method for external data, they can access data for reference, updating, etc.
Moreover, mentioned previously , DTO is used for the interface between business logic and DAO. Accessing to shared variable is only allowed for referrence action.
○Business Logic
Only pure business logic which took out generalized processing is described using FINALUNA API.
Thereby, business logic with high maintainability can be created more efficiently.
Moreover, by the reason that interface of business logic is common to online, messaging and batch, business logic can be shared between these processings.
○Exception Handling
Many exception handling classes are prepared as usage in standard java API.
Although it is very useful to specify exception which occured, when the differences are occured at exceptions handling expression by each developer, it involve the risk of becoming impossible to maintain unity as the project.
Therefore, FINALUNA minimize these issues by specifying the exception throwed within business logic.
Also, the exception which is occurred by system operator is specfied from the message activated at the time of exception throw.Thrown exception is extendable from exceptions for application, and can also be added for every project.
Java Docs, Java Source Files, Documents of FINALUNA API are downloadable from Download
FINALUNA Framework released at this site is reference implementation of java interface(FINALUNA API) for business logic. Currently our framework has many proven applied system development records in NTTDATA's financial systems.(ex.running with 5 or more MStep java source code at Apr., 2010)
In NTTDATA, know-how based on actual performance of abundant financial system developments is adjusted/improved as "FINALUNA recommended architectonics" corresponded to technical reference model.
As shown in figure, for the purpose of the increase in efficiency of financial open-system development, FINALUNA utilizes NTTDATA's own solution and promotes componentize of know-how by following four category table.
Status of supported application server lineup and operation compatibility
Followings are historical press release information.