How to setup DTXMania


To setup DTXMania, you need following installations.

  1. Installing .NET Framework
  2. Installing DirectX 9.0c
  3. Installing movie codec
  4. Installing of song data
  5. Launching DTXMania

Installing .NET Framework

To use DTXMania Release 101 or below, you need to install .NET Framework 3.5. (Actually .NET Framework Version 2.0 is used, but currently only 3.5 is available)

To use DTXMania Release 102 or later, you need to install .NET Framework 4.5.1.

  • For Win7: You can download .NET Framework 3.5 or 4.5.1, from Microsoft's site. As of March 8, 2016, 3.5 SP1 and 4.5.2 are released so please download and install them.
  • For Win 8 / 8.1, OS will prompt you to install .NET Framework (3.5 or 4.5.1), if it is not installed. So follow the instructions. (The details will be explained in "Running DTXMania")
  • For Win10, you don't have to install .NET Framework, because it is already included in OS.

Install DirectX9.0c

Please unzip DTXMania's zip file, and execute DXSETUP.exe in "DirectX Redist" folder.
(Note: Until Win8.1, you could install DirectX9.0c by executing web installer.

However, in Win10, you can not use the'll see the error like below;

Error dialog in case running DirectX9.0c web installer in Win10

Installing video codec

Please see DirectShow support page. It describes the way for Release 104 and later, but it is almost the same even before Release 103. (The difference is the codec setting of: 104=DirectShow, 103=Video for Windows (VfW))

In case you use DTXMania Release 103 or less, almost all movie could be playback if you install official DivX codec. (However, it will become the exclusive with the codec used in DTXMania Release 104 or later, so I recommend you to follow DirectShow support way, even if you'll use 103 or less)

Installing song data

Get song data from somewhere (DTX Data Archives have some of them), and make some folder where DTXManiaGR.exe exists, and extract songs' zip file to that new folder.

Launching DTXMania

Please execute DTXManiaGR.exe. You can start DTXMania.

When starting with Win 8 or later, you may see SmartScreen screen like Fig.1, because this software is not trusted by Microsoft (This software is not codesigned by Microsoft). If you choose OK (*) here, DTXMania can not start. Please choose "More Info".
(*) In Win10, "Don't run"

Fig.1 SmartScreen dialog for the first startup of DTXMania in Win8

Then, detailed information of DTXManiaGR.exe will be displayed as shown in Fig 2, so click "Run anyway".

Fig.2 DTXManiaGR.exe property information

If you use Win10, DTXMania can start by these operations.

If you use Win 8 / 8.1, you'll required additional operations. At first, please wait a while. Then "Windows Features" dialog will be appearsed as shown in Fig 3. You will be prompted to download and install .NET Framework 3.5, please click "Download and install this feature". After it is completed, you can run DTXMania.

Fig. 3 Installation dialog of .NET Framework which is displayed at the first startup for Win8 and later

The procedure will be required only once. After finishing these procedures, these procedure does not requirede any longer. DTXMania can launch directly