conemu (ConEmuPack.141017.7z) | 2014-10-18 08:48 |
ConEmu is a Windows console emulator, which represents multiple consoles as one customizable GUI window with various features. Basic application - joint use with Far Manager (Far in Wikipedia). Far (File and Archive) Manager is a console program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems.
conemu (ConEmuPack.141017.7z) | 2014-10-18 08:48 |
Download latest version of ConEmu from project page
Project sources on svn.
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This fork grew up from ConEmu by Zoin.
ConEmu starts a console program in hidden console window and provides an alternative customizable GUI window with various features:
All settings are read from the registry (multiple configurations are supported) and after that the command line parameters are applied. Parameters /Config and /BufferHeight are only for command line. Most of settings are changed only in the Settings dialog, not from the command line.
LastUpdate: 2012-08-03 20:47:44, ModifiedBy: conemumaximus
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