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Status of open tickets

Milestone: Active

Milestone: Soon to be started

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Latest Tickets

2015-12-31 10:17
「Cadencii」ソフト製作者様 「Cadencii Ver3.5.4」ソフトを利用させていただき、ありがとうご ざいます。 私は、佐々木久...
2013-03-19 02:29
When I build java version Cadencii from trunk. It fail at : cp: cannot stat ‘BuildJavaUI/src/org/kbinani/cadencii/Fo...
2012-06-15 22:11
Hi, I found that in Cadencii/ControllerBase.cs around line 63, #if JAVA #else } } } #endif #if !!JA...
2012-06-15 22:05
Hi, In org.kbinani/org.kbinani.csproj line 100 However, in the source tree the filename is ./org.kbinani/misc....
2011-09-23 16:48

Project Reviews

2020-02-09 19:09


2019-07-08 04:53

It doesn't even work i open the program and it says that "This is a test ver....

2018-10-06 11:53

A generally good software, but could be better.

Latest Edits on Project Wiki

2011-06-24 03:24
2011-06-19 16:09
2011-06-19 16:07
2011-06-19 16:03
2011-06-19 15:55

다운로드 RSS

2013-10-02 23:50
Document / Document
2010-06-19 20:31
Document / Document
2011-08-20 23:59
Document / Document
2011-12-16 00:52
Document / Document

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