Simple Project List Software Map

551 projects in result set

SlunkCrypt is moving to '''[]''' due to ongoing technical problems on!

개발 현황: 5 - Production/Stable
라이센스: Public Domain
자연 언어: English
프로그래밍 언어: C
User Interface: .NET/Mono, Console/Terminal
Register Date: 2022-02-02 04:39
LastUpdate: 2017-10-15 01:04



자연 언어: Japanese
운영 체제: Windows
프로그래밍 언어: C#
User Interface: .NET/Mono, Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2008-04-04 09:57
LastUpdate: 2014-02-02 15:07


FeResPost is a library that allows the rapid development of small programs for the post-processing of Nastran or Samcef finite element results. The library allows easy manipulation of finite element models, groups, and results. Efficient post-processing is possible because the time-consuming operations are written in C/C++. The library is distributed as a COM component, a .NET assembly, as well as a Ruby compiled extension.

자연 언어: English
운영 체제: Linux, Windows
프로그래밍 언어: C++, Ruby
User Interface: .NET/Mono
LastUpdate: 2021-10-20 00:00

DTXMania is drums traning software that can easily enjoy playing for electronic drums "DTX" series.

About detailed usages, please see FrontPage in documents.

Sister projects:

개발 현황: 6 - Mature
라이센스: MIT/X Consortium License
자연 언어: English, Japanese
운영 체제: Windows
프로그래밍 언어: C#
주제: Simulation
Register Date: 2010-10-21 19:06
LastUpdate: 2015-04-01 19:27

ONVIF Device Manager

ONVIF Device Manager は、ネットワークビデオトランスミッター(NVT)およびネットワークビデオ解析(NVA)デバイスを管理するためのネットワークビデオクライアント(NVC)です。検出、デバイス、メディア、イメージング、解析、イベント、PTAサービスなどが実装されています。メディアデコードのためにffmpegを使い、C#で書かれています。

LastUpdate: 2014-03-31 01:51

hamsterdb Embedded Storage

hamsterdb Embedded Storage is an embedded database engine for C/C++, including wrappers for Java, .NET, and Erlang. It supports in-memory databases, very fast database cursors, "record number" databases, ACID transactions, and duplicate keys. hamsterdb is very fast and highly configurable. It compiles and runs on Unix platforms, Linux, Microsoft Windows, and embedded platforms.

LastUpdate: 2023-05-21 06:00

Bulk Crap Uninstaller

Bulk Crap Uninstaller (in short BCUninstaller or BCU) is a free (as in speech and beer) bulk program uninstaller with advanced automation. It excels at removing large amounts of applications with minimal to no user input, while requiring next to no technical knowledge.

It can detect most applications and games (even portable or not registered), clean up leftovers, force uninstall, automatically uninstall according to premade lists, and much more.

Bulk Crap Uninstaller is licensed under Apache 2.0 open source license, and can be used in both private and commercial settings for free and with no obligations, as long as no conditions of the license are broken.

개발 현황: 6 - Mature
라이센스: Apache License V2.0
운영 체제: Windows
프로그래밍 언어: C#
주제: Unattended
User Interface: .NET/Mono, Command-line
Register Date: 2019-04-02 17:33
LastUpdate: 2013-05-18 03:42


NHI1 is an attempt to create a non-human intelligence. It is composed of several sub-projects like theLink (formerly known as libmsgque) and theBrain, which is a persistent storage system able to save a data package from theLink without transformation.

LastUpdate: 2014-01-08 23:40

Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram enables you to make electronic circuit diagrams and allows them to be exported as images. It is ideal for use in coursework; you no longer have to use image editing programs to paste components together.

자연 언어: English
운영 체제: Windows
프로그래밍 언어: C#
User Interface: .NET/Mono
LastUpdate: 2009-08-25 02:48


Simmulator の für das Onlinespiel !。Verlustberechnung、Spionageverwaltung ウント多様な andere Funktionen !Vielen じめじめ für das クール アイコン ・ フォン ・泣きじゃくる da Loota !備 Fragen、ingame mugvieh ウエンデン

(Machine Translation)
Database Environment: Other file-based DBMS
개발 현황: 6 - Mature
대상: Other Viewers
자연 언어: German
운영 체제: Windows XP
프로그래밍 언어: C#
User Interface: .NET/Mono
LastUpdate: 2018-02-06 06:29

Total War Mod Manager

総力戦の Mod マネージャー: ローマ 2。プロジェクトは合計戦争シリーズのすべての将来のイテレーションをサポートします。

(Machine Translation)
개발 현황: 5 - Production/Stable
프로그래밍 언어: C#
User Interface: .NET/Mono
LastUpdate: 2017-08-22 03:29

Trancity 2.0

Trancity は場所をすることができます、路面電車、トロリーやバス、動作できるだけでなくルートやスケジュール上で動作するトラフィックを確立する都市を作成する、公共交通機関のシミュレータです。

(Machine Translation)
개발 현황: 2 - Pre-Alpha
자연 언어: English, Russian
운영 체제: Windows XP
프로그래밍 언어: C#
User Interface: .NET/Mono, DirectX
LastUpdate: 2010-01-01 18:44


MapServer is a CGI based Web mapping application development tool. It processes user defined configuration files and templates to allow for a wide variety of applications to be developed, including interactive mapping, and spatial query definition and processing. It supports several data formats. Key features include scale dependent map rendering, automatic scalebar and legend building, feature labeling with collision avoidance, logical and thematic classifications, and on-the-fly projection of raster and vector data. The application can also access other WMS servers as a cascading map server.

(Machine Translation)
라이센스: MIT/X Consortium License
운영 체제: MacOSX, Linux, Windows
프로그래밍 언어: C, C++, Java, Perl, Python
User Interface: .NET/Mono
LastUpdate: 2014-03-08 03:43


Gygaxは、画像、動画やライブストリームを処理するためのカスタマイズされたツールを開発する環境をユーザーに提供する C# アプリケーションです。さまざまな種類のファイルを開くことをサポートしています。

  • 概要

現在のバージョンは、Windows 8 環境と MS Visual Studio 2013 上で実行するように設計されています。Emgu CV との互換性上の理由からグラフィカルな API として Windows フォームを使用します。すべての必須ライブラリをダウンロードするパッケージに含まれます。

  • 次のリリースが含まれます:
    • 3D ポイント クラウドデータと IFC ファイルの可視化と編集を許可する DirectX ビューアー
    • バッファーの可用性に応じてフレームの処理速度の調整 (次のフレームを連続送信またはスキップまでバッファーを空に)
    • エラー処理とヘルプ マニュアル
    • ビデオ再生のためのスクロール バー
    • 条件に基づいてフレームの選択導入 (ぼかしメトリック、等)
개발 현황: 5 - Production/Stable
운영 체제: Other, Windows 7
프로그래밍 언어: C#
User Interface: .NET/Mono
LastUpdate: 2009-04-05 12:05

RSI Editor


자연 언어: Japanese
운영 체제: Windows Vista, Windows XP
프로그래밍 언어: C#
User Interface: .NET/Mono
Register Date: 2009-07-15 21:20