• Showing Page History #105662

Help Us with the Translation

OSDN website supports display of multiple languages, but presently the translations of other languages besides English and Japanese are unsatisfactory. Here, we humbly ask for your cooperation to help us with the translation into those other languages.

Please follow the following instructions to help us with the translation.

OSDN Cooperative Translation Site

Below is the URL for the website where you can start the translation for OSDN.


Create an Account

Click on Register at the upper right of the page to create an account.

This account is not linked to OSDN account. (They will be two separate accounts.)

After you register your email address, you will receive a confirmation mail. Click on the URL to confirm your email address.

During the registration, you will get to a page where you choose your main language and secondary language. Here, these languages simply mean "what main languages I will contribute to translate". By selecting these languages, you will be given some benefits like a short-cut menu to help you access the languages you've chosen, yet you can still contribute to translate other languages you didn't select. Also, the display language for manipulation UI, you can separately configure. (That said, presently there are still a lot that needs to be translated for many languages.)

How to Translate

On translate.osdn.jp, presently there's only one project registered and only one component (osdn) underneath it, so let's start the translation with this osdn/osdn.

When you log in, at the upper left of the page you'll see the link to the language you've selected for odsn/osdn (you could also select from the pull-down menu of "Your translations" in the top menu bar.) By clicking the link, you can jump to the page that shows the state of the present translation.)

To get on with the translation, from this translation status page, click on "Untranslated strings" (or Untranslated words).

You will jump to a page that shows an untranslated string. The page will look like this. Translate the "Source" string, type it in the "Translation" form, and then click on the "Suggest" button.

After you click the "Suggest" button, the next untranslated string will show up. Repeat the process to carry on with the translation.

How to Vote on Suggestions

Once you click on the Suggest button, your translations will be registered as a suggestion. At this status, it is still one of the suggestions yet to be chosen for adoption. (The process of actually choosing one from the suggestions will be managed by the system admin due to the efforts to fend off spam. )

You may encounter a clear mistake in any of the suggestions or figure there's a better translation. In cases like that, please report. To report, follow the steps listed below.

  • Jumping to the translation summary page (where all suggestions are listed), you will see an item that says "Strings with suggestions". By clicking on it, the suggestions will be displayed on the same page of the previous translation page.
  • From here, you can submit your own translation like how it's usually done.
  • Right below the "Translation" section, there's an item that says "Suggestions". By clicking on it, you can check the submitted suggestions.
  • By displaying the suggestions, you can vote for the translation you think is good. You can vote to say "correctly translated (should be picked)" or "mistranslated (should be rejected)". Express your thoughts on whether the translation is correct or not.
  • You could also submit your comment from the "Comments" section which is located below the translation.

Reflecting on to the Actual OSDN Website

To actually making the decision on adoption/rejection of the aforementioned suggestions, and reflecting the translation data on to the actual OSDN website will be carried out accordingly to the state of translation. Therefore, it may take time for the contributed translation data to be reflected on to the website. We'd appreciate your understanding in advance.

Adding Another Language

To add another language to the current language list, use the OSDN ticket for making request, or you could send a "New translate" request from translate.osdn.jp.