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File Info

Rev. 287e1e96f87020268a0cb4b9135bdf64cc46995f
크기 564 bytes
Time 2011-06-05 23:22:51
Author henoheno
Log Message

allow branch_r1_4_7 etc


# Apache AuthUserFile sample (See .htaccess)
# $Id: .htpasswd,v 1.3 2005-04-29 11:51:31 henoheno Exp $
# Copyright (C) 2005 PukiWiki Developers Team
# License: GPL v2 or (at your option) any later version
#  * user:password
#  * Correct permission of this file 644(or 604)
#  * Prohibit direct access to this file (See .htaccess)
#  * You can use md5-plugin 'PHP/LDAP crypt' without
#    scheme-prefix, to generate password

## Sample: guest/guest(MD5 crypt), guest2/guest2(legacy crypt)