Rev. | e23ccc3b3b1095360e5555a547471bfc303e49cc |
크기 | 21,709 bytes |
Time | 2014-06-02 05:57:45 |
Author | henoheno |
Log Message | htmlsc(): Just sugar for htmlspecialchars(), and a foundation
(Modified in cherry-picking 429ae9efab6d8d5e224f56ecf668126d2ce632df)
// PukiWiki - Yet another WikiWikiWeb clone
// $Id: convert_html.php,v 1.21 2011/01/25 15:01:01 henoheno Exp $
// Copyright (C)
// 2002-2005 PukiWiki Developers Team
// 2001-2002 Originally written by yu-ji
// License: GPL v2 or (at your option) any later version
// function 'convert_html()', wiki text parser
// and related classes-and-functions
function convert_html($lines)
global $vars, $digest;
static $contents_id = 0;
// Set digest
$digest = md5(join('', get_source($vars['page'])));
if (! is_array($lines)) $lines = explode("\n", $lines);
$body = & new Body(++$contents_id);
return $body->toString();
// Block elements
class Element
var $parent;
var $elements; // References of childs
var $last; // Insert new one at the back of the $last
function Element()
$this->elements = array();
$this->last = & $this;
function setParent(& $parent)
$this->parent = & $parent;
function & add(& $obj)
if ($this->canContain($obj)) {
return $this->insert($obj);
} else {
return $this->parent->add($obj);
function & insert(& $obj)
$this->elements[] = & $obj;
return $this->last = & $obj->last;
function canContain($obj)
return TRUE;
function wrap($string, $tag, $param = '', $canomit = TRUE)
return ($canomit && $string == '') ? '' :
'<' . $tag . $param . '>' . $string . '</' . $tag . '>';
function toString()
$ret = array();
foreach (array_keys($this->elements) as $key)
$ret[] = $this->elements[$key]->toString();
return join("\n", $ret);
function dump($indent = 0)
$ret = str_repeat(' ', $indent) . get_class($this) . "\n";
$indent += 2;
foreach (array_keys($this->elements) as $key) {
$ret .= is_object($this->elements[$key]) ?
$this->elements[$key]->dump($indent) : '';
//str_repeat(' ', $indent) . $this->elements[$key];
return $ret;
// Returns inline-related object
function & Factory_Inline($text)
// Check the first letter of the line
if (substr($text, 0, 1) == '~') {
return new Paragraph(' ' . substr($text, 1));
} else {
return new Inline($text);
function & Factory_DList(& $root, $text)
$out = explode('|', ltrim($text), 2);
if (count($out) < 2) {
return Factory_Inline($text);
} else {
return new DList($out);
// '|'-separated table
function & Factory_Table(& $root, $text)
if (! preg_match('/^\|(.+)\|([hHfFcC]?)$/', $text, $out)) {
return Factory_Inline($text);
} else {
return new Table($out);
// Comma-separated table
function & Factory_YTable(& $root, $text)
if ($text == ',') {
return Factory_Inline($text);
} else {
return new YTable(csv_explode(',', substr($text, 1)));
function & Factory_Div(& $root, $text)
$matches = array();
// Seems block plugin?
// Usual code
if (preg_match('/^\#([^\(]+)(?:\((.*)\))?/', $text, $matches) &&
exist_plugin_convert($matches[1])) {
return new Div($matches);
} else {
// Hack code
if(preg_match('/^#([^\(\{]+)(?:\(([^\r]*)\))?(\{*)/', $text, $matches) &&
exist_plugin_convert($matches[1])) {
$len = strlen($matches[3]);
$body = array();
if ($len == 0) {
return new Div($matches); // Seems legacy block plugin
} else if (preg_match('/\{{' . $len . '}\s*\r(.*)\r\}{' . $len . '}/', $text, $body)) {
$matches[2] .= "\r" . $body[1] . "\r";
return new Div($matches); // Seems multiline-enabled block plugin
return new Paragraph($text);
// Inline elements
class Inline extends Element
function Inline($text)
$this->elements[] = trim((substr($text, 0, 1) == "\n") ?
$text : make_link($text));
function & insert(& $obj)
$this->elements[] = $obj->elements[0];
return $this;
function canContain($obj)
return is_a($obj, 'Inline');
function toString()
global $line_break;
return join(($line_break ? '<br />' . "\n" : "\n"), $this->elements);
function & toPara($class = '')
$obj = & new Paragraph('', $class);
return $obj;
// Paragraph: blank-line-separated sentences
class Paragraph extends Element
var $param;
function Paragraph($text, $param = '')
$this->param = $param;
if ($text == '') return;
if (substr($text, 0, 1) == '~')
$text = ' ' . substr($text, 1);
function canContain($obj)
return is_a($obj, 'Inline');
function toString()
return $this->wrap(parent::toString(), 'p', $this->param);
// * Heading1
// ** Heading2
// *** Heading3
class Heading extends Element
var $level;
var $id;
var $msg_top;
function Heading(& $root, $text)
$this->level = min(3, strspn($text, '*'));
list($text, $this->msg_top, $this->id) = $root->getAnchor($text, $this->level);
$this->level++; // h2,h3,h4
function & insert(& $obj)
return $this->last = & $this;
function canContain(& $obj)
return FALSE;
function toString()
return $this->msg_top . $this->wrap(parent::toString(),
'h' . $this->level, ' id="' . $this->id . '"');
// ----
// Horizontal Rule
class HRule extends Element
function HRule(& $root, $text)
function canContain(& $obj)
return FALSE;
function toString()
global $hr;
return $hr;
// Lists (UL, OL, DL)
class ListContainer extends Element
var $tag;
var $tag2;
var $level;
var $style;
var $margin;
var $left_margin;
function ListContainer($tag, $tag2, $head, $text)
$var_margin = '_' . $tag . '_margin';
$var_left_margin = '_' . $tag . '_left_margin';
global $$var_margin, $$var_left_margin;
$this->margin = $$var_margin;
$this->left_margin = $$var_left_margin;
$this->tag = $tag;
$this->tag2 = $tag2;
$this->level = min(3, strspn($text, $head));
$text = ltrim(substr($text, $this->level));
parent::insert(new ListElement($this->level, $tag2));
if ($text != '')
$this->last = & $this->last->insert(Factory_Inline($text));
function canContain(& $obj)
return (! is_a($obj, 'ListContainer')
|| ($this->tag == $obj->tag && $this->level == $obj->level));
function setParent(& $parent)
global $_list_pad_str;
$step = $this->level;
if (isset($parent->parent) && is_a($parent->parent, 'ListContainer'))
$step -= $parent->parent->level;
$margin = $this->margin * $step;
if ($step == $this->level)
$margin += $this->left_margin;
$this->style = sprintf($_list_pad_str, $this->level, $margin, $margin);
function & insert(& $obj)
if (! is_a($obj, get_class($this)))
return $this->last = & $this->last->insert($obj);
// Break if no elements found (BugTrack/524)
if (count($obj->elements) == 1 && empty($obj->elements[0]->elements))
return $this->last->parent; // up to ListElement
// Move elements
foreach(array_keys($obj->elements) as $key)
return $this->last;
function toString()
return $this->wrap(parent::toString(), $this->tag, $this->style);
class ListElement extends Element
function ListElement($level, $head)
$this->level = $level;
$this->head = $head;
function canContain(& $obj)
return (! is_a($obj, 'ListContainer') || ($obj->level > $this->level));
function toString()
return $this->wrap(parent::toString(), $this->head);
// - One
// - Two
// - Three
class UList extends ListContainer
function UList(& $root, $text)
parent::ListContainer('ul', 'li', '-', $text);
// + One
// + Two
// + Three
class OList extends ListContainer
function OList(& $root, $text)
parent::ListContainer('ol', 'li', '+', $text);
// : definition1 | description1
// : definition2 | description2
// : definition3 | description3
class DList extends ListContainer
function DList($out)
parent::ListContainer('dl', 'dt', ':', $out[0]);
$this->last = & Element::insert(new ListElement($this->level, 'dd'));
if ($out[1] != '')
$this->last = & $this->last->insert(Factory_Inline($out[1]));
// > Someting cited
// > like E-mail text
class BQuote extends Element
var $level;
function BQuote(& $root, $text)
$head = substr($text, 0, 1);
$this->level = min(3, strspn($text, $head));
$text = ltrim(substr($text, $this->level));
if ($head == '<') { // Blockquote close
$level = $this->level;
$this->level = 0;
$this->last = & $this->end($root, $level);
if ($text != '')
$this->last = & $this->last->insert(Factory_Inline($text));
} else {
function canContain(& $obj)
return (! is_a($obj, get_class($this)) || $obj->level >= $this->level);
function & insert(& $obj)
// BugTrack/521, BugTrack/545
if (is_a($obj, 'inline'))
return parent::insert($obj->toPara(' class="quotation"'));
if (is_a($obj, 'BQuote') && $obj->level == $this->level && count($obj->elements)) {
$obj = & $obj->elements[0];
if (is_a($this->last, 'Paragraph') && count($obj->elements))
$obj = & $obj->elements[0];
return parent::insert($obj);
function toString()
return $this->wrap(parent::toString(), 'blockquote');
function & end(& $root, $level)
$parent = & $root->last;
while (is_object($parent)) {
if (is_a($parent, 'BQuote') && $parent->level == $level)
return $parent->parent;
$parent = & $parent->parent;
return $this;
class TableCell extends Element
var $tag = 'td'; // {td|th}
var $colspan = 1;
var $rowspan = 1;
var $style; // is array('width'=>, 'align'=>...);
function TableCell($text, $is_template = FALSE)
$this->style = $matches = array();
while (preg_match('/^(?:(LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT)|(BG)?COLOR\(([#\w]+)\)|SIZE\((\d+)\)):(.*)$/',
$text, $matches)) {
if ($matches[1]) {
$this->style['align'] = 'text-align:' . strtolower($matches[1]) . ';';
$text = $matches[5];
} else if ($matches[3]) {
$name = $matches[2] ? 'background-color' : 'color';
$this->style[$name] = $name . ':' . htmlsc($matches[3]) . ';';
$text = $matches[5];
} else if ($matches[4]) {
$this->style['size'] = 'font-size:' . htmlsc($matches[4]) . 'px;';
$text = $matches[5];
if ($is_template && is_numeric($text))
$this->style['width'] = 'width:' . $text . 'px;';
if ($text == '>') {
$this->colspan = 0;
} else if ($text == '~') {
$this->rowspan = 0;
} else if (substr($text, 0, 1) == '~') {
$this->tag = 'th';
$text = substr($text, 1);
if ($text != '' && $text{0} == '#') {
// Try using Div class for this $text
$obj = & Factory_Div($this, $text);
if (is_a($obj, 'Paragraph'))
$obj = & $obj->elements[0];
} else {
$obj = & Factory_Inline($text);
function setStyle(& $style)
foreach ($style as $key=>$value)
if (! isset($this->style[$key]))
$this->style[$key] = $value;
function toString()
if ($this->rowspan == 0 || $this->colspan == 0) return '';
$param = ' class="style_' . $this->tag . '"';
if ($this->rowspan > 1)
$param .= ' rowspan="' . $this->rowspan . '"';
if ($this->colspan > 1) {
$param .= ' colspan="' . $this->colspan . '"';
if (! empty($this->style))
$param .= ' style="' . join(' ', $this->style) . '"';
return $this->wrap(parent::toString(), $this->tag, $param, FALSE);
// | title1 | title2 | title3 |
// | cell1 | cell2 | cell3 |
// | cell4 | cell5 | cell6 |
class Table extends Element
var $type;
var $types;
var $col; // number of column
function Table($out)
$cells = explode('|', $out[1]);
$this->col = count($cells);
$this->type = strtolower($out[2]);
$this->types = array($this->type);
$is_template = ($this->type == 'c');
$row = array();
foreach ($cells as $cell)
$row[] = & new TableCell($cell, $is_template);
$this->elements[] = $row;
function canContain(& $obj)
return is_a($obj, 'Table') && ($obj->col == $this->col);
function & insert(& $obj)
$this->elements[] = $obj->elements[0];
$this->types[] = $obj->type;
return $this;
function toString()
static $parts = array('h'=>'thead', 'f'=>'tfoot', ''=>'tbody');
// Set rowspan (from bottom, to top)
for ($ncol = 0; $ncol < $this->col; $ncol++) {
$rowspan = 1;
foreach (array_reverse(array_keys($this->elements)) as $nrow) {
$row = & $this->elements[$nrow];
if ($row[$ncol]->rowspan == 0) {
$row[$ncol]->rowspan = $rowspan;
// Inherits row type
while (--$rowspan)
$this->types[$nrow + $rowspan] = $this->types[$nrow];
$rowspan = 1;
// Set colspan and style
$stylerow = NULL;
foreach (array_keys($this->elements) as $nrow) {
$row = & $this->elements[$nrow];
if ($this->types[$nrow] == 'c')
$stylerow = & $row;
$colspan = 1;
foreach (array_keys($row) as $ncol) {
if ($row[$ncol]->colspan == 0) {
$row[$ncol]->colspan = $colspan;
if ($stylerow !== NULL) {
// Inherits column style
while (--$colspan)
$row[$ncol - $colspan]->setStyle($stylerow[$ncol]->style);
$colspan = 1;
// toString
$string = '';
foreach ($parts as $type => $part)
$part_string = '';
foreach (array_keys($this->elements) as $nrow) {
if ($this->types[$nrow] != $type)
$row = & $this->elements[$nrow];
$row_string = '';
foreach (array_keys($row) as $ncol)
$row_string .= $row[$ncol]->toString();
$part_string .= $this->wrap($row_string, 'tr');
$string .= $this->wrap($part_string, $part);
$string = $this->wrap($string, 'table', ' class="style_table" cellspacing="1" border="0"');
return $this->wrap($string, 'div', ' class="ie5"');
// , title1 , title2 , title3
// , cell1 , cell2 , cell3
// , cell4 , cell5 , cell6
class YTable extends Element
var $col;
function YTable($_value)
$align = $value = $matches = array();
foreach($_value as $val) {
if (preg_match('/^(\s+)?(.+?)(\s+)?$/', $val, $matches)) {
$align[] =($matches[1] != '') ?
((isset($matches[3]) && $matches[3] != '') ?
' style="text-align:center"' :
' style="text-align:right"'
) : '';
$value[] = $matches[2];
} else {
$align[] = '';
$value[] = $val;
$this->col = count($value);
$colspan = array();
foreach ($value as $val)
$colspan[] = ($val == '==') ? 0 : 1;
$str = '';
$count = count($value);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
if ($colspan[$i]) {
while ($i + $colspan[$i] < $count && $value[$i + $colspan[$i]] == '==')
$colspan[$i] = ($colspan[$i] > 1) ? ' colspan="' . $colspan[$i] . '"' : '';
$str .= '<td class="style_td"' . $align[$i] . $colspan[$i] . '>' . make_link($value[$i]) . '</td>';
$this->elements[] = $str;
function canContain(& $obj)
return is_a($obj, 'YTable') && ($obj->col == $this->col);
function & insert(& $obj)
$this->elements[] = $obj->elements[0];
return $this;
function toString()
$rows = '';
foreach ($this->elements as $str)
$rows .= "\n" . '<tr class="style_tr">' . $str . '</tr>' . "\n";
$rows = $this->wrap($rows, 'table', ' class="style_table" cellspacing="1" border="0"');
return $this->wrap($rows, 'div', ' class="ie5"');
// ' 'Space-beginning sentence
// ' 'Space-beginning sentence
// ' 'Space-beginning sentence
class Pre extends Element
function Pre(& $root, $text)
global $preformat_ltrim;
$this->elements[] = htmlsc(
(! $preformat_ltrim || $text == '' || $text{0} != ' ') ? $text : substr($text, 1));
function canContain(& $obj)
return is_a($obj, 'Pre');
function & insert(& $obj)
$this->elements[] = $obj->elements[0];
return $this;
function toString()
return $this->wrap(join("\n", $this->elements), 'pre');
// Block plugin: #something (started with '#')
class Div extends Element
var $name;
var $param;
function Div($out)
list(, $this->name, $this->param) = array_pad($out, 3, '');
function canContain(& $obj)
return FALSE;
function toString()
// Call #plugin
return do_plugin_convert($this->name, $this->param);
class Align extends Element
var $align;
function Align($align)
$this->align = $align;
function canContain(& $obj)
return is_a($obj, 'Inline');
function toString()
return $this->wrap(parent::toString(), 'div', ' style="text-align:' . $this->align . '"');
// Body
class Body extends Element
var $id;
var $count = 0;
var $contents;
var $contents_last;
var $classes = array(
'-' => 'UList',
'+' => 'OList',
'>' => 'BQuote',
'<' => 'BQuote');
var $factories = array(
':' => 'DList',
'|' => 'Table',
',' => 'YTable',
'#' => 'Div');
function Body($id)
$this->id = $id;
$this->contents = & new Element();
$this->contents_last = & $this->contents;
function parse(& $lines)
$this->last = & $this;
$matches = array();
while (! empty($lines)) {
$line = array_shift($lines);
// Escape comments
if (substr($line, 0, 2) == '//') continue;
if (preg_match('/^(LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT):(.*)$/', $line, $matches)) {
// <div style="text-align:...">
$this->last = & $this->last->add(new Align(strtolower($matches[1])));
if ($matches[2] == '') continue;
$line = $matches[2];
$line = rtrim($line, "\r\n");
// Empty
if ($line == '') {
$this->last = & $this;
// Horizontal Rule
if (substr($line, 0, 4) == '----') {
$this->insert(new HRule($this, $line));
// Multiline-enabled block plugin
preg_match('/^#[^{]+(\{\{+)\s*$/', $line, $matches)) {
$len = strlen($matches[1]);
$line .= "\r"; // Delimiter
while (! empty($lines)) {
$next_line = preg_replace("/[\r\n]*$/", '', array_shift($lines));
if (preg_match('/\}{' . $len . '}/', $next_line)) {
$line .= $next_line;
} else {
$line .= $next_line .= "\r"; // Delimiter
// The first character
$head = $line{0};
// Heading
if ($head == '*') {
$this->insert(new Heading($this, $line));
// Pre
if ($head == ' ' || $head == "\t") {
$this->last = & $this->last->add(new Pre($this, $line));
// Line Break
if (substr($line, -1) == '~')
$line = substr($line, 0, -1) . "\r";
// Other Character
if (isset($this->classes[$head])) {
$classname = $this->classes[$head];
$this->last = & $this->last->add(new $classname($this, $line));
// Other Character
if (isset($this->factories[$head])) {
$factoryname = 'Factory_' . $this->factories[$head];
$this->last = & $this->last->add($factoryname($this, $line));
// Default
$this->last = & $this->last->add(Factory_Inline($line));
function getAnchor($text, $level)
global $top, $_symbol_anchor;
// Heading id (auto-generated)
$autoid = 'content_' . $this->id . '_' . $this->count;
// Heading id (specified by users)
$id = make_heading($text, FALSE); // Cut fixed-anchor from $text
if ($id == '') {
// Not specified
$id = & $autoid;
$anchor = '';
} else {
$anchor = ' &aname(' . $id . ',super,full){' . $_symbol_anchor . '};';
$text = ' ' . $text;
// Add 'page contents' link to its heading
$this->contents_last = & $this->contents_last->add(new Contents_UList($text, $level, $id));
// Add heding
return array($text . $anchor, $this->count > 1 ? "\n" . $top : '', $autoid);
function & insert(& $obj)
if (is_a($obj, 'Inline')) $obj = & $obj->toPara();
return parent::insert($obj);
function toString()
global $vars;
$text = parent::toString();
// #contents
$text = preg_replace_callback('/<#_contents_>/',
array(& $this, 'replace_contents'), $text);
return $text . "\n";
function replace_contents($arr)
$contents = '<div class="contents">' . "\n" .
'<a id="contents_' . $this->id . '"></a>' . "\n" .
$this->contents->toString() . "\n" .
'</div>' . "\n";
return $contents;
class Contents_UList extends ListContainer
function Contents_UList($text, $level, $id)
// Reformatting $text
// A line started with "\n" means "preformatted" ... X(
$text = "\n" . '<a href="#' . $id . '">' . $text . '</a>' . "\n";
parent::ListContainer('ul', 'li', '-', str_repeat('-', $level));
function setParent(& $parent)
global $_list_pad_str;
$step = $this->level;
$margin = $this->left_margin;
if (isset($parent->parent) && is_a($parent->parent, 'ListContainer')) {
$step -= $parent->parent->level;
$margin = 0;
$margin += $this->margin * ($step == $this->level ? 1 : $step);
$this->style = sprintf($_list_pad_str, $this->level, $margin, $margin);