Last Update: 2016-11-01 11:28 Created at: 2016-11-01 11:28 RSS
linux version bug. Some chars can not be loaded in linux

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I compiled the linux version 20160121 in download, there you name it ubuntuikemn-2015-1-21 , I think this is the latest version , but you named it with 2015 , I guess this is a mistake.

However some characters load with errors on linux , but work well on windows version . I compare the ssz , they are the same. Why?

Can you port the ssz to c/cpp , for this self-define script is hard to maintain and it only support x86 32bit system. and only on win and linux . It is quite limited . The best way is to mv it to a common language. Do you have any plan on this?

11:28 Create New Ticket(#50661): linux version bug. Some chars can not be loaded in linux (zhosdnnet)