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Commit MetaInfo

Revision90a770742e7bae8d5bd9efaad6f477fec22c319e (tree)
Time2012-09-01 22:10:21
Authortakemasa <suikan@user...>

Log Message


Change Summary

Incremental Difference

--- a/i2c-test/i2c-test.c
+++ b/i2c-test/i2c-test.c
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ void main_task(VP_INT exinf)
1919 {
2020 int errcode;
22- syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Hello");
22+ syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Hello");
24- errcode = i2c_master_write( 0, I2CADRESS, data, 3 );
24+ errcode = i2c_master_write( 0, I2CADRESS, data, 3 );
2626 syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "i2c_master_write, error code = 0x%04x", errcode );
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ void main_task(VP_INT exinf)
3030 syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "i2c_master_write_read, error code = 0x%04x", errcode );
3131 syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "buf[0] = 0x%04x", buf[0] );
33- slp_tsk();
33+ slp_tsk();
3636 }
--- a/i2c-test/i2c-test.cfg
+++ b/i2c-test/i2c-test.cfg
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
1212 INCLUDE("\"i2c-test.h\"");
1616 #include "kernel/systask/timer.cfg"
1717 #include "kernel/systask/serial.cfg"
--- a/i2c-test/i2c-test.h
+++ b/i2c-test/i2c-test.h
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
55 * 各タスクの優先度の定義
66 */
8-#define MAIN_PRIORITY 5 /* メインタスクの優先度 */
9- /* HIGH_PRIORITY より高くすること */
8+#define MAIN_PRIORITY 5 /* メインタスクの優先度 */
9+ /* HIGH_PRIORITY より高くすること */
11-#define HIGH_PRIORITY 9 /* 並列に実行されるタスクの優先度 */
12-#define MID_PRIORITY 10
13-#define LOW_PRIORITY 11
11+#define HIGH_PRIORITY 9 /* 並列に実行されるタスクの優先度 */
12+#define MID_PRIORITY 10
13+#define LOW_PRIORITY 11
1515 /*
1616 * ターゲット依存の定義(CPU例外ハンドラの起動方法など)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
3131 */
3333 #ifndef TASK_PORTID
34-#define TASK_PORTID 1 /* 文字入力するシリアルポートID */
34+#define TASK_PORTID 1 /* 文字入力するシリアルポートID */
3535 #endif /* TASK_PORTID */
@@ -40,6 +40,6 @@
4040 */
4141 #ifndef _MACRO_ONLY
43-extern void main_task(VP_INT exinf);
43+extern void main_task(VP_INT exinf);
4545 #endif /* _MACRO_ONLY */
--- a/i2c-test/i2c0_m.cfg
+++ b/i2c-test/i2c0_m.cfg
@@ -2,42 +2,42 @@
22 INCLUDE("\"i2c_subsystem.h\"");
44 ATT_INI({
5- TA_NULL, /* 高級言語でインターフェースする */
6- 0, /* イニシャライザに渡すパラメタ。0はTWI0 */
7- i2c_master_initialize /* イニシャライザ本体 */
8- });
5+ TA_NULL, /* 高級言語でインターフェースする */
6+ 0, /* イニシャライザに渡すパラメタ。0はTWI0 */
7+ i2c_master_initialize /* イニシャライザ本体 */
8+ });
12- /* I2C0の割り込みハンドラを登録する */
12+ /* I2C0の割り込みハンドラを登録する */
1414 DEF_INH(
16- {
17- TA_HLNG,
18- i2c0_master_handler
19- }
20- );
16+ {
17+ TA_HLNG,
18+ i2c0_master_handler
19+ }
20+ );
23- /* I2Cサブシステムの排他利用のためのセマフォ */
23+ /* I2Cサブシステムの排他利用のためのセマフォ */
25- {
26- TA_TPRI, /* タスク優先順位に基づいてセマフォを奪い合う。 */
27- 1, /* 初期状態で資源数は1。すなわち、最初に排他領域を獲得しようとしたタスクは、待ちなしに獲得できる。 */
28- 1 /* 最大返却資源数は1。これは PV セマフォによる排他処理を行う場合の普通の値。 */
29- }
30- );
25+ {
26+ TA_TPRI, /* タスク優先順位に基づいてセマフォを奪い合う。 */
27+ 1, /* 初期状態で資源数は1。すなわち、最初に排他領域を獲得しようとしたタスクは、待ちなしに獲得できる。 */
28+ 1 /* 最大返却資源数は1。これは PV セマフォによる排他処理を行う場合の普通の値。 */
29+ }
30+ );
33- /* I2Cサブシステムの割り込み通知用のためのセマフォ。割り込みハンドラは、依頼された送受信が完了したらこのセマフォをシグナルする */
33+ /* I2Cサブシステムの割り込み通知用のためのセマフォ。割り込みハンドラは、依頼された送受信が完了したらこのセマフォをシグナルする */
35- {
36- TA_TPRI, /* タスク優先順位に基づいてセマフォを奪い合う。 */
37- 0, /* 初期状態で資源数は0。すなわち、割り込みによる送受信完了待ちのタスクは、必ず最初に待ち状態になる。 */
38- 1 /* 最大返却資源数は1。割り込みハンドラがタスクの依頼なしに送受を完了することはないから。 */
39- }
40- );
35+ {
36+ TA_TPRI, /* タスク優先順位に基づいてセマフォを奪い合う。 */
37+ 0, /* 初期状態で資源数は0。すなわち、割り込みによる送受信完了待ちのタスクは、必ず最初に待ち状態になる。 */
38+ 1 /* 最大返却資源数は1。割り込みハンドラがタスクの依頼なしに送受を完了することはないから。 */
39+ }
40+ );
--- a/i2c-test/i2c_subsystem.h
+++ b/i2c-test/i2c_subsystem.h
@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@
3232 *
3333 * I2Cxペリフェラルへのピンの割り当ては、アプリケーションで行う。これに関しては例題、例えば 801_i2c_pcf8570プロジェクトを参照のこと。
3434 *
35- * なお、I2Cサブシステムは、イニシャライザ内部でCMSISの SystemCoreClockUpdate() 関数を使用してCPUのクロック周波数を
35+ * なお、I2Cサブシステムは、イニシャライザ内部でCMSISの SystemCoreClockUpdate() 関数を使用してCPUのクロック周波数を
3636 * 測定している。この関数が常に正しく動作するのはCPUが内部RCオシレータを使用する場合と、RTCの32768Hzクロックを使用する場合のみである。
3737 * 外部クリスタルを使ったメインオシレータを使用する場合は、クリスタルの共振周波数とCMSIS内部のクロック設定値をあわせてCMSISを再ビルド
3838 * しなければならない。
3939 */
4040 /*@{*/
42-#define I2C_ERR_WRONGPARAM 0x4000
43-#define I2C_ERR_TOOLONGBUFFER 0x2000
44-#define I2C_ERR_TIMEOUT 0x1000
42+#define I2C_ERR_WRONGPARAM 0x4000
43+#define I2C_ERR_TOOLONGBUFFER 0x2000
44+#define I2C_ERR_TIMEOUT 0x1000
4646 /**
4747 * \brief i2cマスターモードの割り込みサービスルーチン
--- a/i2c-test/kernel/config/blackfin/ezkit_bf537/jsp_ezkit_bf537.dpj
+++ b/i2c-test/kernel/config/blackfin/ezkit_bf537/jsp_ezkit_bf537.dpj
@@ -1,617 +1,617 @@
11 <?xml version="1.0" encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
22 <visualdsp-project schema="17" name="libkernel" file="jsp_ezkit_bf537.dpj" version="1">
3- <!-- Project build target -->
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6- <extension>.dlb</extension>
7- <type>Library file</type>
8- </target>
9- <!-- Configurations -->
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85- </file-configuration>
86- </file-configurations>
87- </file>
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89- </file>
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91- </file>
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93- </file>
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95- </file>
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97- </file>
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99- </file>
100- </files>
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105- </file>
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163- </file>
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292- </file-configurations>
293- </file>
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--- a/i2c-test/kernel/tools/blackfin-vdsp/sample1_ezkit_bf537/sample1.dpj
+++ b/i2c-test/kernel/tools/blackfin-vdsp/sample1_ezkit_bf537/sample1.dpj
@@ -1,240 +1,240 @@
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3+ <!-- Project build target -->
4+ <target>
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9+ <!-- Configurations -->
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51+ <option><![CDATA[]]></option>
52+ </tool>
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57+ <option><![CDATA[]]></option>
58+ </tool>
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174+ <folder name="systask">
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213+ <file name=".\readme.txt">
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--- a/i2c-test/kernel/tools/blackfin-vdsp/sample1_ezkit_bf537/sample1_ezkit_bf537.dpg
+++ b/i2c-test/kernel/tools/blackfin-vdsp/sample1_ezkit_bf537/sample1_ezkit_bf537.dpg
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
11 <?xml version="1.0" encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
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--- a/i2c-test/kernel/utils/blackfin-vdsp/makeoffset.dpj
+++ b/i2c-test/kernel/utils/blackfin-vdsp/makeoffset.dpj
@@ -1,94 +1,94 @@
11 <?xml version="1.0" encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
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3- <!-- Project build target -->
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9- <!-- Configurations -->
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26- <option><![CDATA[]]></option>
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32- <option><![CDATA[]]></option>
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54- <option><![CDATA[|-Version>4.5|-b Flash>1|-f HEX>1|-Width 8>1|DefaultStart>0|-v>0|-waits >0|-BaudRate 500k>1|-HoldTime >0|-pFlag >0|-zinit>0|-No2Kernel>0|-o2>0|-kb Flash>1|-kf HEX>1|-kWidth 8>1|DefaultKernelStart>1|UserKernel>1|-romsplitter>0|split HEX>1|-maskaddr>0]]></option>
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17+ <option><![CDATA[|-Version>5.0|-O>0|-O1>0|-Ov>100|-ipa>0|-g>1|-no-annotate>0|-save-temps -path-output>0|-ED>0|-no-auto-attrs>0|-no-builtin>0|-no-extra-keywords>0|-enum-is-int>0|-no-fp-associative>0|-structs-do-not-overlap>1|-implicit-pointers>0|-eh >0|-rtti>1|-check-init-order>0|-ignore-std>1|-const-read-write>0|-const-strings>0|-no-multiline>1|-misra>0|-misra-strict>0|-misra-no-cross-module>0|-misra-no-runtime>0|-misra-testing>0|-misra-suppress-advisory>0|-I>..\..\kernel;..\..\config\blackfin\_common_bf533;..\..\include;..\..\config\blackfin;..\..\config\blackfin\ezkit_bf533|-no-std-inc>0|-double-size-32>1|-double-size-any>0|-Ofp>0|-guard-vol-loads>0|-decls-strong>1|-no-saturation>0|-cplbs>0|-sdram>0|-multicore>0|-stack-detect>0|-pguide>0|NOSWITCH>0|-flags-compiler --diag_warning,implicit_func_decl>0|-warn-protos>1|-flags-compiler --diag_warning,call_not_inlined>0|-Wremarks>0|-w>0]]></option>
18+ </tool>
19+ <tool type="Assembler">
20+ <option><![CDATA[|-Version>4.5|-v>0|-g>1|-l>0|-save-temps>0|-sp>0]]></option>
21+ </tool>
22+ <tool type="Linker">
23+ <option><![CDATA[|-Version>5.0|-flags-link -t>0|-flags-link -S>0|-flags-link -s>0|-mem>0|-flags-link -warnonce>0|-map>0|-flags-link -xref>0|-flags-link -save-temps>0|-flags-link -ip>0|-flags-link -e>0|-flags-link -ev>0|-add-debug-libpaths>1|-flags-link -MD__ADI_LIBEH__>0|-multicore>0|NOSWITCH>1]]></option>
24+ </tool>
25+ <tool type="Archiver">
26+ <option><![CDATA[]]></option>
27+ </tool>
28+ <tool type="Loader">
29+ <option><![CDATA[|-Version>4.5|-b Flash>1|-f HEX>1|-Width 8>1|DefaultStart>0|-v>0|-waits >0|-BaudRate 500k>1|-HoldTime >0|-pFlag >0|-zinit>0|-No2Kernel>0|-o2>0|-kb Flash>1|-kf HEX>1|-kWidth 8>1|DefaultKernelStart>1|UserKernel>1|-romsplitter>0|split HEX>1|-maskaddr>0]]></option>
30+ </tool>
31+ <tool type="VdkGen">
32+ <option><![CDATA[]]></option>
33+ </tool>
34+ </tools>
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41+ <tool type="Compiler">
42+ <option><![CDATA[|-Version>5.0|-O>1|-O1>1|-Ov>100|-ipa>0|-g>0|-no-annotate>0|-save-temps -path-output>0|-ED>0|-no-auto-attrs>0|-no-builtin>0|-no-extra-keywords>0|-enum-is-int>0|-no-fp-associative>0|-structs-do-not-overlap>1|-implicit-pointers>0|-eh >0|-rtti>1|-check-init-order>0|-ignore-std>1|-const-read-write>0|-const-strings>0|-no-multiline>1|-misra>0|-misra-strict>0|-misra-no-cross-module>0|-misra-no-runtime>1|-misra-testing>1|-misra-suppress-advisory>0|-I>..\..\kernel;..\..\config\blackfin\_common_bf533;..\..\include;..\..\config\blackfin;..\..\config\blackfin\ezkit_bf533|-no-std-inc>0|-double-size-32>1|-double-size-any>0|-Ofp>0|-guard-vol-loads>0|-decls-strong>1|-no-saturation>0|-cplbs>0|-sdram>0|-multicore>0|-stack-detect>0|-pguide>0|NOSWITCH>0|-flags-compiler --diag_warning,implicit_func_decl>0|-warn-protos>1|-flags-compiler --diag_warning,call_not_inlined>0|-Wremarks>0|-w>0]]></option>
43+ </tool>
44+ <tool type="Assembler">
45+ <option><![CDATA[|-Version>4.5|-v>0|-g>0|-l>0|-save-temps>0|-sp>0]]></option>
46+ </tool>
47+ <tool type="Linker">
48+ <option><![CDATA[|-Version>5.0|-flags-link -t>0|-flags-link -S>0|-flags-link -s>0|-mem>0|-flags-link -warnonce>0|-map>0|-flags-link -xref>0|-flags-link -save-temps>0|-flags-link -ip>1|-flags-link -e>1|-flags-link -ev>0|-add-debug-libpaths>0|-flags-link -MD__ADI_LIBEH__>0|-multicore>0|NOSWITCH>1]]></option>
49+ </tool>
50+ <tool type="Archiver">
51+ <option><![CDATA[]]></option>
52+ </tool>
53+ <tool type="Loader">
54+ <option><![CDATA[|-Version>4.5|-b Flash>1|-f HEX>1|-Width 8>1|DefaultStart>0|-v>0|-waits >0|-BaudRate 500k>1|-HoldTime >0|-pFlag >0|-zinit>0|-No2Kernel>0|-o2>0|-kb Flash>1|-kf HEX>1|-kWidth 8>1|DefaultKernelStart>1|UserKernel>1|-romsplitter>0|split HEX>1|-maskaddr>0]]></option>
55+ </tool>
56+ <tool type="VdkGen">
57+ <option><![CDATA[]]></option>
58+ </tool>
59+ </tools>
60+ </configuration>
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63+ <folders>
64+ <folder name="Header Files" ext=".h,.hpp,.hxx">
65+ </folder>
66+ <folder name="Linker Files" ext=".ldf,.dlb">
67+ </folder>
68+ <folder name="Source Files" ext=".c,.cpp,.cxx,.asm,.dsp,.s">
69+ <files>
70+ <file name=".\main.c">
71+ <file-configurations>
72+ <file-configuration name="Debug">
73+ <excluded-flag value="no"/>
74+ <build-with-flag value="project"/>
75+ <intermediate-dir>.\Debug</intermediate-dir>
76+ <output-dir>.\Debug</output-dir>
77+ </file-configuration>
78+ <file-configuration name="Release">
79+ <excluded-flag value="no"/>
80+ <build-with-flag value="project"/>
81+ <intermediate-dir>.\Release</intermediate-dir>
82+ <output-dir>.\Release</output-dir>
83+ </file-configuration>
84+ </file-configurations>
85+ </file>
86+ </files>
87+ </folder>
88+ </folders>
89+ <!-- Files under root directly -->
90+ <files>
91+ <file name=".\readme.txt">
92+ </file>
93+ </files>
9494 </visualdsp-project>
--- a/i2c-test/kernel_cfg.c
+++ b/i2c-test/kernel_cfg.c
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
2020 #error "You can not use this configuration file without TOPPERS/JSP"
2121 #endif
23- /* User specified include files*/
23+ /* User specified include files*/
2424 #include "i2c-test.h"
2525 #include "hw_timer.h"
2626 #include "timer.h"
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
3030 #include "i2c_subsystem.h"
33- /* Object initializer [task] */
33+ /* Object initializer [task] */
3535 #define TNUM_TSKID 2
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ static __STK_UNIT __stack_MAIN_TASK[__TCOUNT_STK_UNIT(1024)];
4242 const TINIB _kernel_tinib_table[TNUM_TSKID] = {
43- {0x00u | 0x02u, (VP_INT)(0), (FP)(main_task), INT_PRIORITY(5), __TROUND_STK_UNIT(1024), __stack_MAIN_TASK, TA_NULL, (FP)(NULL)},
43+ {0x00u | 0x02u, (VP_INT)(0), (FP)(main_task), INT_PRIORITY(5), __TROUND_STK_UNIT(1024), __stack_MAIN_TASK, TA_NULL, (FP)(NULL)},
4545 };
4747 const ID _kernel_torder_table[TNUM_TSKID] = {1,2};
@@ -49,23 +49,23 @@ const ID _kernel_torder_table[TNUM_TSKID] = {1,2};
4949 TCB _kernel_tcb_table[TNUM_TSKID];
52- /* Object initializer [semaphore] */
52+ /* Object initializer [semaphore] */
5454 #define TNUM_SEMID 4
5656 const ID _kernel_tmax_semid = (TMIN_SEMID + TNUM_SEMID - 1);
5858 const SEMINIB _kernel_seminib_table[TNUM_SEMID] = {
59- {1, 0, 1},
60- {1, 1, 1},
61- {1, 1, 1},
62- {1, 0, 1}
59+ {1, 0, 1},
60+ {1, 1, 1},
61+ {1, 1, 1},
62+ {1, 0, 1}
6363 };
6565 SEMCB _kernel_semcb_table[TNUM_SEMID];
68- /* Object initializer [eventflag] */
68+ /* Object initializer [eventflag] */
7070 #define TNUM_FLGID 0
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ __EMPTY_LABEL(const FLGINIB, _kernel_flginib_table);
7575 __EMPTY_LABEL(FLGCB, _kernel_flgcb_table);
78- /* Object initializer [dataqueue] */
78+ /* Object initializer [dataqueue] */
8080 #define TNUM_DTQID 0
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ __EMPTY_LABEL(const DTQINIB, _kernel_dtqinib_table);
8585 __EMPTY_LABEL(DTQCB, _kernel_dtqcb_table);
88- /* Object initializer [mailbox] */
88+ /* Object initializer [mailbox] */
9090 #define TNUM_MBXID 0
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ __EMPTY_LABEL(const MBXINIB, _kernel_mbxinib_table);
9595 __EMPTY_LABEL(MBXCB, _kernel_mbxcb_table);
98- /* Object initializer [mempfix] */
98+ /* Object initializer [mempfix] */
100100 #define TNUM_MPFID 0
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ __EMPTY_LABEL(const MPFINIB, _kernel_mpfinib_table);
105105 __EMPTY_LABEL(MPFCB, _kernel_mpfcb_table);
108- /* Object initializer [cyclic] */
108+ /* Object initializer [cyclic] */
110110 #define TNUM_CYCID 0
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ __EMPTY_LABEL(const CYCINIB, _kernel_cycinib_table);
115115 __EMPTY_LABEL(CYCCB, _kernel_cyccb_table);
118- /* Object initializer [interrupt] */
118+ /* Object initializer [interrupt] */
120120 #define TNUM_INHNO 4
@@ -127,48 +127,48 @@ CFG_INTHDR_ENTRY(timer_handler);
127127 CFG_INTHDR_ENTRY(i2c0_master_handler);
129129 const INHINIB _kernel_inhinib_table[TNUM_INHNO] = {
130- {15,0,(FP)CFG_INT_ENTRY(sio0_rx_handler)},
131- {16,0,(FP)CFG_INT_ENTRY(sio0_tx_handler)},
132- {21,0,(FP)CFG_INT_ENTRY(timer_handler)},
133- {24,0,(FP)CFG_INT_ENTRY(i2c0_master_handler)}
130+ {15,0,(FP)CFG_INT_ENTRY(sio0_rx_handler)},
131+ {16,0,(FP)CFG_INT_ENTRY(sio0_tx_handler)},
132+ {21,0,(FP)CFG_INT_ENTRY(timer_handler)},
133+ {24,0,(FP)CFG_INT_ENTRY(i2c0_master_handler)}
134134 };
137- /* Object initializer [exception] */
137+ /* Object initializer [exception] */
139139 #define TNUM_EXCNO 0
141141 const UINT _kernel_tnum_excno = TNUM_EXCNO;
143143 __EMPTY_LABEL(const EXCINIB, _kernel_excinib_table);
144- /* Initialization handler */
144+ /* Initialization handler */
146146 void
147147 _kernel_call_inirtn(void)
148148 {
149- timer_initialize( (VP_INT)(0) );
150- serial_initialize( (VP_INT)(0) );
151- i2c_master_initialize( (VP_INT)(0) );
149+ timer_initialize( (VP_INT)(0) );
150+ serial_initialize( (VP_INT)(0) );
151+ i2c_master_initialize( (VP_INT)(0) );
152152 }
154154 void
155155 _kernel_call_terrtn(void)
156156 {
157- timer_terminate( (VP_INT)(0) );
157+ timer_terminate( (VP_INT)(0) );
158158 }
160- /* Object initialization routine */
160+ /* Object initialization routine */
162162 void
163163 _kernel_object_initialize(void)
164164 {
165- _kernel_task_initialize();
166- _kernel_semaphore_initialize();
167- _kernel_interrupt_initialize();
165+ _kernel_task_initialize();
166+ _kernel_semaphore_initialize();
167+ _kernel_interrupt_initialize();
168168 }
170170 TMEVTN _kernel_tmevt_heap[TNUM_TSKID + TNUM_CYCID];
172- /* Variables for kernel checker */
172+ /* Variables for kernel checker */
173173 const UW _checker_magic_number = 0x01234567;
--- a/i2c-test/kernel_chk.c
+++ b/i2c-test/kernel_chk.c
@@ -25,112 +25,112 @@
2626 void checker_function(void)
2727 {
36- MEMBER(queue,next);
37- MEMBER(queue,prev);
36+ MEMBER(queue,next);
37+ MEMBER(queue,prev);
40- /* task */
40+ /* task */
42- OBJECT(task_2,LOGTASK);
43- OBJECT(task_1,MAIN_TASK);
44- EVAR(ID,_kernel_tmax_tskid);
45- EVAR(TINIB,_kernel_tinib_table);
46- MEMBER(task_initialization_block,tskatr);
47- MEMBER(task_initialization_block,exinf);
48- MEMBER(task_initialization_block,task);
49- MEMBER(task_initialization_block,ipriority);
50- MEMBER(task_initialization_block,stksz);
51- MEMBER(task_initialization_block,stk);
52- MEMBER(task_initialization_block,texatr);
53- MEMBER(task_initialization_block,texrtn);
42+ OBJECT(task_2,LOGTASK);
43+ OBJECT(task_1,MAIN_TASK);
44+ EVAR(ID,_kernel_tmax_tskid);
45+ EVAR(TINIB,_kernel_tinib_table);
46+ MEMBER(task_initialization_block,tskatr);
47+ MEMBER(task_initialization_block,exinf);
48+ MEMBER(task_initialization_block,task);
49+ MEMBER(task_initialization_block,ipriority);
50+ MEMBER(task_initialization_block,stksz);
51+ MEMBER(task_initialization_block,stk);
52+ MEMBER(task_initialization_block,texatr);
53+ MEMBER(task_initialization_block,texrtn);
56- /* semaphore */
56+ /* semaphore */
58- OBJECT(semaphore_3,SEM_I2C0_BLOCK);
59- OBJECT(semaphore_4,SEM_I2C0_SIGNAL);
60- OBJECT(semaphore_1,SERIAL_RCV_SEM1);
61- OBJECT(semaphore_2,SERIAL_SND_SEM1);
62- EVAR(ID,_kernel_tmax_semid);
63- EVAR(SEMINIB,_kernel_seminib_table);
64- MEMBER(semaphore_initialization_block,sematr);
65- MEMBER(semaphore_initialization_block,isemcnt);
66- MEMBER(semaphore_initialization_block,maxsem);
58+ OBJECT(semaphore_3,SEM_I2C0_BLOCK);
59+ OBJECT(semaphore_4,SEM_I2C0_SIGNAL);
60+ OBJECT(semaphore_1,SERIAL_RCV_SEM1);
61+ OBJECT(semaphore_2,SERIAL_SND_SEM1);
62+ EVAR(ID,_kernel_tmax_semid);
63+ EVAR(SEMINIB,_kernel_seminib_table);
64+ MEMBER(semaphore_initialization_block,sematr);
65+ MEMBER(semaphore_initialization_block,isemcnt);
66+ MEMBER(semaphore_initialization_block,maxsem);
69- /* eventflag */
69+ /* eventflag */
71- EVAR(ID,_kernel_tmax_flgid);
72- EVAR(FLGINIB,_kernel_flginib_table);
73- MEMBER(eventflag_initialization_block,flgatr);
74- MEMBER(eventflag_initialization_block,iflgptn);
71+ EVAR(ID,_kernel_tmax_flgid);
72+ EVAR(FLGINIB,_kernel_flginib_table);
73+ MEMBER(eventflag_initialization_block,flgatr);
74+ MEMBER(eventflag_initialization_block,iflgptn);
77- /* dataqueue */
77+ /* dataqueue */
79- EVAR(ID,_kernel_tmax_dtqid);
80- EVAR(DTQINIB,_kernel_dtqinib_table);
81- MEMBER(dataqueue_initialization_block,dtqatr);
82- MEMBER(dataqueue_initialization_block,dtqcnt);
83- MEMBER(dataqueue_initialization_block,dtq);
79+ EVAR(ID,_kernel_tmax_dtqid);
80+ EVAR(DTQINIB,_kernel_dtqinib_table);
81+ MEMBER(dataqueue_initialization_block,dtqatr);
82+ MEMBER(dataqueue_initialization_block,dtqcnt);
83+ MEMBER(dataqueue_initialization_block,dtq);
86- /* mailbox */
86+ /* mailbox */
88- EVAR(ID,_kernel_tmax_mbxid);
89- EVAR(MBXINIB,_kernel_mbxinib_table);
90- MEMBER(mailbox_initialization_block,mbxatr);
91- MEMBER(mailbox_initialization_block,maxmpri);
88+ EVAR(ID,_kernel_tmax_mbxid);
89+ EVAR(MBXINIB,_kernel_mbxinib_table);
90+ MEMBER(mailbox_initialization_block,mbxatr);
91+ MEMBER(mailbox_initialization_block,maxmpri);
94- /* mempfix */
94+ /* mempfix */
96- EVAR(ID,_kernel_tmax_mpfid);
97- EVAR(MPFINIB,_kernel_mpfinib_table);
98- MEMBER(fixed_memorypool_initialization_block,mpfatr);
99- MEMBER(fixed_memorypool_initialization_block,blksz);
100- MEMBER(fixed_memorypool_initialization_block,mpf);
101- MEMBER(fixed_memorypool_initialization_block,limit);
96+ EVAR(ID,_kernel_tmax_mpfid);
97+ EVAR(MPFINIB,_kernel_mpfinib_table);
98+ MEMBER(fixed_memorypool_initialization_block,mpfatr);
99+ MEMBER(fixed_memorypool_initialization_block,blksz);
100+ MEMBER(fixed_memorypool_initialization_block,mpf);
101+ MEMBER(fixed_memorypool_initialization_block,limit);
104- /* cyclic */
104+ /* cyclic */
106- EVAR(ID,_kernel_tmax_cycid);
107- EVAR(CYCINIB,_kernel_cycinib_table);
108- MEMBER(cyclic_handler_initialization_block,cycatr);
109- MEMBER(cyclic_handler_initialization_block,exinf);
110- MEMBER(cyclic_handler_initialization_block,cychdr);
111- MEMBER(cyclic_handler_initialization_block,cyctim);
112- MEMBER(cyclic_handler_initialization_block,cycphs);
106+ EVAR(ID,_kernel_tmax_cycid);
107+ EVAR(CYCINIB,_kernel_cycinib_table);
108+ MEMBER(cyclic_handler_initialization_block,cycatr);
109+ MEMBER(cyclic_handler_initialization_block,exinf);
110+ MEMBER(cyclic_handler_initialization_block,cychdr);
111+ MEMBER(cyclic_handler_initialization_block,cyctim);
112+ MEMBER(cyclic_handler_initialization_block,cycphs);
115- /* interrupt */
115+ /* interrupt */
117- OBJECT(interrupt_0,15);
118- OBJECT(interrupt_1,16);
119- OBJECT(interrupt_2,21);
120- OBJECT(interrupt_3,24);
121- EVAR(ID,_kernel_tnum_inhno);
122- EVAR(INHINIB,_kernel_inhinib_table);
123- MEMBER(interrupt_handler_initialization_block,inhno);
124- MEMBER(interrupt_handler_initialization_block,inhatr);
125- MEMBER(interrupt_handler_initialization_block,inthdr);
117+ OBJECT(interrupt_0,15);
118+ OBJECT(interrupt_1,16);
119+ OBJECT(interrupt_2,21);
120+ OBJECT(interrupt_3,24);
121+ EVAR(ID,_kernel_tnum_inhno);
122+ EVAR(INHINIB,_kernel_inhinib_table);
123+ MEMBER(interrupt_handler_initialization_block,inhno);
124+ MEMBER(interrupt_handler_initialization_block,inhatr);
125+ MEMBER(interrupt_handler_initialization_block,inthdr);
128- /* exception */
128+ /* exception */
130- EVAR(ID,_kernel_tnum_excno);
131- EVAR(EXCINIB,_kernel_excinib_table);
132- MEMBER(cpu_exception_handler_initialization_block,excno);
133- MEMBER(cpu_exception_handler_initialization_block,excatr);
134- MEMBER(cpu_exception_handler_initialization_block,exchdr);
130+ EVAR(ID,_kernel_tnum_excno);
131+ EVAR(EXCINIB,_kernel_excinib_table);
132+ MEMBER(cpu_exception_handler_initialization_block,excno);
133+ MEMBER(cpu_exception_handler_initialization_block,excatr);
134+ MEMBER(cpu_exception_handler_initialization_block,exchdr);
136136 }
--- a/i2c-test/kernel_id.h
+++ b/i2c-test/kernel_id.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
11 #ifndef KERNEL_ID_H
22 #define KERNEL_ID_H
4- /* object identifier deifnition */
4+ /* object identifier deifnition */
66 #define LOGTASK 2
77 #define MAIN_TASK 1
Binary files a/i2c-test/kernel_obj.dat and b/i2c-test/kernel_obj.dat differ
--- a/i2c-test/makeoffset.s
+++ b/i2c-test/makeoffset.s
@@ -1,1134 +1,1134 @@
11 .file "kernel/config/blackfin/makeoffset.c";
2- .section .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits
2+ .section .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits
33 .Ldebug_abbrev0:
4- .section .debug_info,"",@progbits
4+ .section .debug_info,"",@progbits
55 .Ldebug_info0:
6- .section .debug_line,"",@progbits
6+ .section .debug_line,"",@progbits
77 .Ldebug_line0:
88 .text;
99 .Ltext0:
10- .align 4
10+ .align 4
1111 .global _makeoffset;
1212 .type _makeoffset, STT_FUNC;
1313 _makeoffset:
1414 .LFB30:
15- .file 1 "kernel/config/blackfin/makeoffset.c"
16- .loc 1 60 0
17- nop;
18- nop;
19- LINK 0;
15+ .file 1 "kernel/config/blackfin/makeoffset.c"
16+ .loc 1 60 0
17+ nop;
18+ nop;
19+ LINK 0;
2020 .LCFI0:
21- .loc 1 61 0
21+ .loc 1 61 0
2222 // 61 "kernel/config/blackfin/makeoffset.c" 1
23- OFFSET_DEF TCB_texptn = 16
23+ OFFSET_DEF TCB_texptn = 16
2424 // 0 "" 2
25- .loc 1 62 0
25+ .loc 1 62 0
2626 // 62 "kernel/config/blackfin/makeoffset.c" 1
27- OFFSET_DEF TCB_sp = 24
27+ OFFSET_DEF TCB_sp = 24
2828 // 0 "" 2
29- .loc 1 63 0
29+ .loc 1 63 0
3030 // 63 "kernel/config/blackfin/makeoffset.c" 1
31- OFFSET_DEF TCB_pc = 28
31+ OFFSET_DEF TCB_pc = 28
3232 // 0 "" 2
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981+ .section .debug_pubnames,"",@progbits
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992+ .4byte 0x3d7
993+ .string "BIT_REF_1"
994+ .4byte 0x3e9
995+ .string "BIT_LB_TCB_enatex"
996+ .4byte 0x0
997+ .section .debug_aranges,"",@progbits
998+ .4byte 0x1c
999+ .2byte 0x2
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1006+ .4byte .Letext0-.Ltext0
1007+ .4byte 0x0
1008+ .4byte 0x0
1009+ .section .debug_str,"MS",@progbits,1
10101010 .LASF12:
1011- .string "SIZE"
1011+ .string "SIZE"
10121012 .LASF57:
1013- .string "GNU C 4.3.5"
1013+ .string "GNU C 4.3.5"
10141014 .LASF16:
1015- .string "CTXB"
1015+ .string "CTXB"
10161016 .LASF27:
1017- .string "wercd"
1017+ .string "wercd"
10181018 .LASF6:
1019- .string "short int"
1019+ .string "short int"
10201020 .LASF3:
1021- .string "size_t"
1021+ .string "size_t"
10221022 .LASF53:
1023- .string "BIT_REF_4"
1023+ .string "BIT_REF_4"
10241024 .LASF14:
1025- .string "VP_INT"
1025+ .string "VP_INT"
10261026 .LASF40:
1027- .string "task_queue"
1027+ .string "task_queue"
10281028 .LASF28:
1029- .string "tmevtb"
1029+ .string "tmevtb"
10301030 .LASF47:
1031- .string "texptn"
1031+ .string "texptn"
10321032 .LASF41:
1033- .string "tinib"
1033+ .string "tinib"
10341034 .LASF33:
1035- .string "task"
1035+ .string "task"
10361036 .LASF38:
1037- .string "TINIB"
1037+ .string "TINIB"
10381038 .LASF32:
1039- .string "exinf"
1039+ .string "exinf"
10401040 .LASF50:
1041- .string "_kernel_dev_vector"
1041+ .string "_kernel_dev_vector"
10421042 .LASF60:
1043- .string "waiting_information"
1043+ .string "waiting_information"
10441044 .LASF24:
1045- .string "index"
1045+ .string "index"
10461046 .LASF17:
1047- .string "task_context_block"
1047+ .string "task_context_block"
10481048 .LASF59:
1049- .string "/home/takemasa/gits/i2c-test.git/i2c-test"
1049+ .string "/home/takemasa/gits/i2c-test.git/i2c-test"
10501050 .LASF31:
1051- .string "tskatr"
1051+ .string "tskatr"
10521052 .LASF39:
1053- .string "task_control_block"
1053+ .string "task_control_block"
10541054 .LASF22:
1055- .string "CBACK"
1055+ .string "CBACK"
10561056 .LASF9:
1057- .string "long long int"
1057+ .string "long long int"
10581058 .LASF49:
1059- .string "tskctxb"
1059+ .string "tskctxb"
10601060 .LASF46:
1061- .string "enatex"
1061+ .string "enatex"
10621062 .LASF0:
1063- .string "long int"
1063+ .string "long int"
10641064 .LASF11:
1065- .string "UINT"
1065+ .string "UINT"
10661066 .LASF61:
1067- .string "makeoffset"
1067+ .string "makeoffset"
10681068 .LASF45:
1069- .string "wupcnt"
1069+ .string "wupcnt"
10701070 .LASF48:
1071- .string "winfo"
1071+ .string "winfo"
10721072 .LASF18:
1073- .string "queue"
1073+ .string "queue"
10741074 .LASF29:
1075- .string "WINFO"
1075+ .string "WINFO"
10761076 .LASF21:
1077- .string "QUEUE"
1077+ .string "QUEUE"
10781078 .LASF4:
1079- .string "unsigned char"
1079+ .string "unsigned char"
10801080 .LASF2:
1081- .string "signed char"
1081+ .string "signed char"
10821082 .LASF10:
1083- .string "long long unsigned int"
1083+ .string "long long unsigned int"
10841084 .LASF13:
1085- .string "SYSTIM"
1085+ .string "SYSTIM"
10861086 .LASF8:
1087- .string "unsigned int"
1087+ .string "unsigned int"
10881088 .LASF7:
1089- .string "short unsigned int"
1089+ .string "short unsigned int"
10901090 .LASF5:
1091- .string "char"
1091+ .string "char"
10921092 .LASF43:
1093- .string "priority"
1093+ .string "priority"
10941094 .LASF15:
1095- .string "TEXPTN"
1095+ .string "TEXPTN"
10961096 .LASF36:
1097- .string "texatr"
1097+ .string "texatr"
10981098 .LASF51:
1099- .string "_kernel_exc_vector"
1099+ .string "_kernel_exc_vector"
11001100 .LASF35:
1101- .string "stksz"
1101+ .string "stksz"
11021102 .LASF37:
1103- .string "texrtn"
1103+ .string "texrtn"
11041104 .LASF1:
1105- .string "long unsigned int"
1105+ .string "long unsigned int"
11061106 .LASF34:
1107- .string "ipriority"
1107+ .string "ipriority"
11081108 .LASF44:
1109- .string "actcnt"
1109+ .string "actcnt"
11101110 .LASF52:
1111- .string "_kernel_next_time"
1111+ .string "_kernel_next_time"
11121112 .LASF30:
1113- .string "task_initialization_block"
1113+ .string "task_initialization_block"
11141114 .LASF26:
1115- .string "TMEVTB"
1115+ .string "TMEVTB"
11161116 .LASF23:
1117- .string "time_event_block"
1117+ .string "time_event_block"
11181118 .LASF55:
1119- .string "BIT_REF_1"
1119+ .string "BIT_REF_1"
11201120 .LASF54:
1121- .string "BIT_REF_2"
1121+ .string "BIT_REF_2"
11221122 .LASF20:
1123- .string "prev"
1123+ .string "prev"
11241124 .LASF42:
1125- .string "tstat"
1125+ .string "tstat"
11261126 .LASF58:
1127- .string "kernel/config/blackfin/makeoffset.c"
1127+ .string "kernel/config/blackfin/makeoffset.c"
11281128 .LASF56:
1129- .string "BIT_LB_TCB_enatex"
1129+ .string "BIT_LB_TCB_enatex"
11301130 .LASF19:
1131- .string "next"
1131+ .string "next"
11321132 .LASF25:
1133- .string "callback"
1134- .ident "GCC: (ADI-2011R1-RC4) 4.3.5"
1133+ .string "callback"
1134+ .ident "GCC: (ADI-2011R1-RC4) 4.3.5"
--- a/i2c-test/offset.h
+++ b/i2c-test/offset.h
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
11 /* This file is generated by genoffset. */
3-#define TCB_texptn 16
4-#define TCB_sp 24
5-#define TCB_pc 28
6-#define TCB_enatex 14
7-#define TCB_enatex_bit 2
8-#define TCB_enatex_mask 0x4
3+#define TCB_texptn 16
4+#define TCB_sp 24
5+#define TCB_pc 28
6+#define TCB_enatex 14
7+#define TCB_enatex_bit 2
8+#define TCB_enatex_mask 0x4