OSDN Document and news for English speakers.
This project is managed by OSDN admin team for document and news management system purpose only.
If you have any questions, bug report, support request, please contact to admin on OSDN ...
Open Source Group Japan is a non-profit, voluntary association that promotes the spread of Open Source Software and Free Software Culture and enlightened activities, while engaging in activities to protect open source culture. Another ...
오픈 소스 압축 유틸리티 7-Zip 프로그램은 7z 압축 파일을 비롯해 ZIP, CAB, RAR, ARJ, GZIP, BZIP2, Z, TAR, CPIO, RPM, DEB 등의 다양한 압축 파일들을 지원하며 자동 압축풀림, 분할 압축 기능등 비교적 간단한 기능을 가지고 있습니다.
This project will accept bug reports, support requests, demands for new features, and such.
Issuing of Tickets: https://osdn.net/ticket/newticket.php?group_id=10743
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