• R/O
  • HTTP
  • SSH

Source Tree

Frequently used words (click to add to your profile)

javac++androidlinuxc#windowsobjective-ccocoa誰得qtpythonphprubygameguibathyscaphec計画中(planning stage)翻訳omegatframeworktwitterdomtestvb.netdirectxゲームエンジンbtronarduinopreviewer


Name 크기 Rev. Time Author Log Message
.gitignore 387 bdcbafe 2016-03-14 17:13:11 sparky4 wwww sh files added~ wwww
.gitmodules 209 c3c291c 2016-03-03 05:43:14 sparky4 wwww
LICENCE 34.32 k 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
Project 16.bfproject 6.41 k 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
README.md 625 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
TODO.md 1.92 k 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
awoo.sh 191 b632f77 2016-03-15 00:24:04 sparky4 cleaning the repo up~ and updating st...
baka pee.png 143.92 k 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
bcexmm.dsk 177 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
bcexmm.prj 6.88 k 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
boop.sh 133 838b2b2 2016-03-16 04:58:27 sparky4 wwww
builq.sh 51 0507306 2016-03-15 00:16:41 sparky4 scripts updated~
debug.png 36.4 k 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
design.txt 1.68 k 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
dld.bat 18 76278b1 2016-03-13 08:38:43 sparky4 16_in improvements and added debuggin...
dld.sh 18 42b9296 2016-03-16 09:33:49 sparky4 added dos getting system ^^
dro2vgm 11.68 k 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
git_con.fig 696 b4a9189 2016-03-15 00:03:02 sparky4 added a repository /home/sparky4
lowcase.sh 41 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
make-lowercase 1.17 k 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
makefile 13.52 k 42b9296 2016-03-16 09:33:49 sparky4 added dos getting system ^^
modex.lib 25 k 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
planarNotes.txt 604 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
run.bat 142 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
scroll.smp 7.24 k 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
sparky4.do 2.18 k 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
wbuild.sh 51 b632f77 2016-03-15 00:24:04 sparky4 cleaning the repo up~ and updating st...
winrun.bat 43 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
x-demo.smp 31.59 k 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
x4get.bat 557 42b9296 2016-03-16 09:33:49 sparky4 added dos getting system ^^
x_demo.smp 15.25 k 76b7c3a 2016-01-31 01:39:01 sparky4 wwwww
z.bat 316 42b9296 2016-03-16 09:33:49 sparky4 added dos getting system ^^
z.sh 80 fb8c5bd 2016-03-14 16:56:34 sparky4 z.sh was ignored now it is not wwww


彼岸花 Project 01 話の地球 //Higanbana Project 01 ~ Story of Chikyuu

Open watcom to compile the code of project 16

Directory Structure!

16.exe = actual planned game executable!
/ = root of project where executables are at
16/ = experimental branch and example codes
16/modex16/ = pngwen's code archived~
src/ = source of project~
doc/ = documentation of the project~
doc/faq.txt = frequently asked questions file!

To compile:

You need Open Watcom stable to compile and just run wmake

