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D bindings to the GraphicsMagick library.

Commit MetaInfo

Revision2c5b3e4e1aae3f61ed34e8116e8ab6476f3a528d (tree)
Time2023-06-25 13:50:26
AuthorMio <stigma@disr...>

Log Message

[graphicsmagick] list in -> const scope

Change Summary

Incremental Difference

--- a/graphicsmagick_c/src/graphicsmagick_c/magick/list.d
+++ b/graphicsmagick_c/src/graphicsmagick_c/magick/list.d
@@ -21,22 +21,22 @@ version(GMagick_Static)
2121 {
2222 @system @nogc nothrow extern(C):
24- Image* CloneImageList(in Image*, ExceptionInfo*);
25- Image* GetFirstImageInList(in Image*);
26- Image* GetImageFromList(in Image*, in c_long);
27- Image* GetLastImageInList(in Image*);
28- Image* GetNextImageInList(in Image*);
29- Image* GetPreviousImageInList(in Image*);
30- Image** ImageListToArray(in Image*, ExceptionInfo*);
24+ Image* CloneImageList(const scope Image*, ExceptionInfo*);
25+ Image* GetFirstImageInList(const scope Image*);
26+ Image* GetImageFromList(const scope Image*, const scope c_long);
27+ Image* GetLastImageInList(const scope Image*);
28+ Image* GetNextImageInList(const scope Image*);
29+ Image* GetPreviousImageInList(const scope Image*);
30+ Image** ImageListToArray(const scope Image*, ExceptionInfo*);
3131 Image* NewImageList();
3232 Image* RemoveLastImageFromList(Image**);
3333 Image* RemoveFirstImageFromList(Image**);
3434 Image* SplitImageList(Image*);
35- Image* SyncNextImageInList(in Image*);
35+ Image* SyncNextImageInList(const scope Image*);
37- c_long GetImageIndexInList(in Image*);
37+ c_long GetImageIndexInList(const scope Image*);
39- c_ulong GetImageListLength(in Image*);
39+ c_ulong GetImageListLength(const scope Image*);
4141 void AppendImageToList(Image**, Image*);
4242 void DeleteImageFromList(Image**);
@@ -45,28 +45,28 @@ version(GMagick_Static)
4545 void PrependImageToList(Image**, Image*);
4646 void ReplaceImageInList(Image** images, Image* image);
4747 void ReverseImageList(Image**);
48- void SpliceImageIntoList(Image**, in c_ulong, Image*);
48+ void SpliceImageIntoList(Image**, const scope c_ulong, Image*);
4949 } // version(GMagick_Static)
5050 else
5151 {
5252 @system @nogc nothrow extern(C)
5353 {
54- alias mCloneImageList = Image* function(in Image*, ExceptionInfo*);
55- alias mGetFirstImageInList = Image* function(in Image*);
56- alias mGetImageFromList = Image* function(in Image*, in c_long);
57- alias mGetLastImageInList = Image* function(in Image*);
58- alias mGetNextImageInList = Image* function(in Image*);
59- alias mGetPreviousImageInList = Image* function(in Image*);
60- alias mImageListToArray = Image** function(in Image*, ExceptionInfo*);
54+ alias mCloneImageList = Image* function(const scope Image*, ExceptionInfo*);
55+ alias mGetFirstImageInList = Image* function(const scope Image*);
56+ alias mGetImageFromList = Image* function(const scope Image*, const scope c_long);
57+ alias mGetLastImageInList = Image* function(const scope Image*);
58+ alias mGetNextImageInList = Image* function(const scope Image*);
59+ alias mGetPreviousImageInList = Image* function(const scope Image*);
60+ alias mImageListToArray = Image** function(const scope Image*, ExceptionInfo*);
6161 alias mNewImageList = Image* function();
6262 alias mRemoveLastImageFromList = Image* function(Image**);
6363 alias mRemoveFirstImageFromList = Image* function(Image**);
6464 alias mSplitImageList = Image* function(Image*);
6565 alias mSyncNextImageInList = Image* function(Image*);
67- alias mGetImageIndexInList = c_long function(in Image*);
67+ alias mGetImageIndexInList = c_long function(const scope Image*);
69- alias mGetImageListLength = c_ulong function(in Image*);
69+ alias mGetImageListLength = c_ulong function(const scope Image*);
7171 alias mAppendImageToList = void function(Image**, Image*);
7272 alias mDeleteImageFromList = void function(Image**);
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ else
7575 alias mPrependImageToList = void function(Image**, Image*);
7676 alias mReplaceImageInList = void function(Image**, Image*);
7777 alias mReverseImageList = void function(Image**);
78- alias mSpliceImageIntoList = void function(Image**, in c_ulong, Image*);
78+ alias mSpliceImageIntoList = void function(Image**, const scope c_ulong, Image*);
7979 }
8181 __gshared