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Commit MetaInfo

Revisiona78351f21d52abd582cb699cd0e95322d99e52f5 (tree)
Time2013-06-19 21:31:54
Authorspx <spx268@gmai...>

Log Message

DetailsListView の再描画範囲を制御する処理を元に戻した
1.0.9 相当

Change Summary

Incremental Difference

--- a/OpenTween/DetailsListView.cs
+++ b/OpenTween/DetailsListView.cs
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ namespace OpenTween.OpenTweenCustomControl
3838 {
3939 public sealed class DetailsListView : ListView
4040 {
41+ private Rectangle changeBounds;
4142 private EventHandlerList _handlers = new EventHandlerList();
4344 public event EventHandler VScrolled;
@@ -122,30 +123,89 @@ namespace OpenTween.OpenTweenCustomControl
123124 public void ChangeSubItemBackColor(int itemIndex, int subitemIndex, Color backColor)
124125 {
125- this.Items[itemIndex].SubItems[subitemIndex].BackColor = backColor;
126+ var item = this.Items[itemIndex];
127+ item.SubItems[subitemIndex].BackColor = backColor;
128+ SetUpdateBounds(item, subitemIndex);
129+ this.Update();
130+ this.changeBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
126131 }
128133 public void ChangeSubItemForeColor(int itemIndex, int subitemIndex, Color foreColor)
129134 {
130- this.Items[itemIndex].SubItems[subitemIndex].ForeColor = foreColor;
135+ var item = this.Items[itemIndex];
136+ item.SubItems[subitemIndex].ForeColor = foreColor;
137+ SetUpdateBounds(item, subitemIndex);
138+ this.Update();
139+ this.changeBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
131140 }
133142 public void ChangeSubItemFont(int itemIndex, int subitemIndex, Font fnt)
134143 {
135- this.Items[itemIndex].SubItems[subitemIndex].Font = fnt;
144+ var item = this.Items[itemIndex];
145+ item.SubItems[subitemIndex].Font = fnt;
146+ SetUpdateBounds(item, subitemIndex);
147+ this.Update();
148+ this.changeBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
136149 }
138151 public void ChangeSubItemFontAndColor(int itemIndex, int subitemIndex, Color foreColor, Font fnt)
139152 {
140- this.Items[itemIndex].SubItems[subitemIndex].ForeColor = foreColor;
141- this.Items[itemIndex].SubItems[subitemIndex].Font = fnt;
153+ var item = this.Items[itemIndex];
154+ var subItem = item.SubItems[subitemIndex];
155+ subItem.ForeColor = foreColor;
156+ subItem.Font = fnt;
157+ SetUpdateBounds(item, subitemIndex);
158+ this.Update();
159+ this.changeBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
142160 }
144162 public void ChangeSubItemStyles(int itemIndex, int subitemIndex, Color backColor, Color foreColor, Font fnt)
145163 {
146- this.Items[itemIndex].SubItems[subitemIndex].BackColor = backColor;
147- this.Items[itemIndex].SubItems[subitemIndex].ForeColor = foreColor;
148- this.Items[itemIndex].SubItems[subitemIndex].Font = fnt;
164+ var item = this.Items[itemIndex];
165+ var subItem = item.SubItems[subitemIndex];
166+ subItem.BackColor = backColor;
167+ subItem.ForeColor = foreColor;
168+ subItem.Font = fnt;
169+ SetUpdateBounds(item, subitemIndex);
170+ this.Update();
171+ this.changeBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
172+ }
174+ private void SetUpdateBounds(ListViewItem item, int subItemIndex)
175+ {
176+ try
177+ {
178+ if (subItemIndex > this.Columns.Count)
179+ {
180+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("subItemIndex");
181+ }
182+ if (item.UseItemStyleForSubItems)
183+ {
184+ this.changeBounds = item.Bounds;
185+ }
186+ else
187+ {
188+ this.changeBounds = this.GetSubItemBounds(item, subItemIndex);
189+ }
190+ }
191+ catch (ArgumentException)
192+ {
193+ //タイミングによりBoundsプロパティが取れない?
194+ this.changeBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
195+ }
196+ }
198+ private Rectangle GetSubItemBounds(ListViewItem item, int subitemIndex)
199+ {
200+ if (subitemIndex == 0 && this.Columns.Count > 0)
201+ {
202+ Rectangle col0 = item.Bounds;
203+ return new Rectangle(col0.Left, col0.Top, item.SubItems[1].Bounds.X + 1, col0.Height);
204+ }
205+ else
206+ {
207+ return item.SubItems[subitemIndex].Bounds;
208+ }
149209 }
151211 [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
@@ -189,6 +249,8 @@ namespace OpenTween.OpenTweenCustomControl
189249 [DebuggerStepThrough()]
190250 protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
191251 {
252+ const int WM_ERASEBKGND = 0x14;
253+ const int WM_PAINT = 0xF;
192254 const int WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x20A;
193255 const int WM_MOUSEHWHEEL = 0x20E;
194256 const int WM_HSCROLL = 0x114;
@@ -203,6 +265,18 @@ namespace OpenTween.OpenTweenCustomControl
204266 switch (m.Msg)
205267 {
268+ case WM_ERASEBKGND:
269+ if (this.changeBounds != Rectangle.Empty)
270+ m.Msg = 0;
271+ break;
272+ case WM_PAINT:
273+ if (this.changeBounds != Rectangle.Empty)
274+ {
275+ Win32Api.ValidateRect(this.Handle, IntPtr.Zero);
276+ this.Invalidate(this.changeBounds);
277+ this.changeBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
278+ }
279+ break;
206280 case WM_HSCROLL:
207281 if (HScrolled != null)
208282 HScrolled(this, EventArgs.Empty);
--- a/OpenTween/Tween.cs
+++ b/OpenTween/Tween.cs
@@ -2055,7 +2055,8 @@ namespace OpenTween
20562056 if (_post == null) return;
2058- var itemColorTuple = new Tuple<ListViewItem, Color>[] { };
2058+ var itemColors = new Color[] { };
2059+ int itemIndex = -1;
20602061 this.itemCacheLock.EnterReadLock();
20612062 try
@@ -2064,17 +2065,20 @@ namespace OpenTween
20652066 var query =
20662067 from i in Enumerable.Range(0, this._itemCache.Length)
2067- select new Tuple<ListViewItem, Color>(this._itemCache[i], this.JudgeColor(_post, this._postCache[i]));
2068+ select this.JudgeColor(_post, this._postCache[i]);
2069- itemColorTuple = query.ToArray();
2070+ itemColors = query.ToArray();
2071+ itemIndex = _itemCacheIndex;
20702072 }
20712073 finally { this.itemCacheLock.ExitReadLock(); }
2073- foreach (var tuple in itemColorTuple)
2075+ if (itemIndex < 0) return;
2077+ foreach (var backColor in itemColors)
20742078 {
20752079 // この処理中に MyList_CacheVirtualItems が呼ばれることがあるため、
20762080 // 同一スレッド内での二重ロックを避けるためにロックの外で実行する必要がある
2077- tuple.Item1.SubItems[0].BackColor = tuple.Item2;
2081+ _curList.ChangeItemBackColor(itemIndex++, backColor);
20782082 }
20792083 }
--- a/OpenTween/Win32Api.cs
+++ b/OpenTween/Win32Api.cs
@@ -546,6 +546,11 @@ namespace OpenTween
546546 private const Int32 FLASHW_TIMERNOFG = 0xC;
547547 #endregion
549+ [DllImport("user32.dll")]
550+ public static extern bool ValidateRect(
551+ IntPtr hwnd,
552+ IntPtr rect);
549554 #region "スクリーンセーバー起動中か判定"
550555 [DllImport("user32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
551556 private static extern int SystemParametersInfo(