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Commit MetaInfo

Revisiondba07fba0fabad10322ccbb5e3f7623e41c074d0 (tree)
Time2010-08-17 09:33:15
AuthorChainsDD <chainsdd@gmai...>

Log Message

Use su -v instead of checksums to determine if su binary is up to date.

Change Summary

Incremental Difference

--- a/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
33 <string name="app_name">Superuser</string>
44 <string name="app_name_request">Superuser Request</string>
55 <string name="app_name_perms">Superuser Permissions</string>
6- <string name="su_md5_cd">0ae93ca7bc600cd2379d5fe9fa71d0a0</string>
7- <string name="su_md5_ef">eb1d831e9d3be6ca90a9e47ee5935e04</string>
97 <string name="permlab_respond">respond to superuser requests</string>
108 <string name="permdesc_respond">Allows the application to respond to requests for superuser access.</string>
--- a/src/com/noshufou/android/su/Su.java
+++ b/src/com/noshufou/android/su/Su.java
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ public class Su extends TabActivity {
6161 }
6363 private void firstRun() {
64- int sdkVersion = Integer.parseInt(VERSION.SDK);
6564 int versionCode = 0;
6665 try {
6766 versionCode = getPackageManager()
@@ -79,43 +78,13 @@ public class Su extends TabActivity {
7978 }
8079 Log.d(TAG, "First run for version " + versionCode);
82- InputStream fileInput = null;
83- FileOutputStream fileOutput = null;
84- int zipFile, binFile;
85- Log.d(TAG, "sdkVersion = " + sdkVersion);
86- if (sdkVersion < 5) {
87- Log.d(TAG, "Copying files for cupcake/donut");
88- zipFile = R.raw.su_2_3_bin_cd_signed;
89- binFile = R.raw.su_cd;
90- } else {
91- Log.d(TAG, "Copying files for eclair/froyo");
92- zipFile = R.raw.su_2_3_bin_ef_signed;
93- binFile = R.raw.su_ef;
94- }
95- try {
96- fileInput = getResources().openRawResource(zipFile);
97- byte[] zipReader = new byte[fileInput.available()];
98- while (fileInput.read(zipReader) != -1);
99- fileInput.close();
100- fileOutput = openFileOutput("su-2.3-bin.zip", MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
101- fileOutput.write(zipReader);
102- fileOutput.close();
104- fileInput = getResources().openRawResource(binFile);
105- byte[] binReader = new byte[fileInput.available()];
106- while (fileInput.read(binReader) != -1);
107- fileInput.close();
108- fileOutput = openFileOutput("su", MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
109- fileOutput.write(binReader);
110- fileOutput.close();
111- } catch (IOException e) {
112- e.printStackTrace();
113- } finally {
114- }
81+ copyNewFiles();
116- String suMd5 = getSuMd5();
117- String expectedSuMd5 = getString((versionCode < 5)?R.string.su_md5_cd:R.string.su_md5_ef);
118- if (suMd5 == null || !suMd5.equals(expectedSuMd5)) {
83+ String suVer = getSuVersion();
84+ String expectedSuVer = (versionCode < 5)?"2.3-cd":"2.3-ef";
85+ Log.d(TAG, "Actual su version: " + suVer);
86+ Log.d(TAG, "Expected su version: " + expectedSuVer);
87+ if (suVer == null || !suVer.equals(expectedSuVer)) {
11988 Log.d(TAG, "System has outdated su, attempting to copy new version");
12089 // TODO: find a way to automatically update su, use recovery mode method if that fails
12190 File sdDir = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath());
@@ -159,38 +128,90 @@ public class Su extends TabActivity {
159128 editor.commit();
160129 }
162- private String getSuMd5() {
163- Process process;
164- BufferedReader stdInput;
165- String binSuMd5, xbinSuMd5;
131+ private String getSuVersion()
132+ {
133+ String suVersion = "";
134+ Process process = null;
167- try {
168- process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("md5sum /system/bin/su");
169- stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
170- if (stdInput != null) {
171- binSuMd5 = stdInput.readLine().split(" ")[0];
172- stdInput.close();
173- } else {
174- return null;
175- }
176- process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("md5sum /system/xbin/su");
177- stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
178- if (stdInput != null) {
179- xbinSuMd5 = stdInput.readLine().split(" ")[0];
180- stdInput.close();
181- } else {
182- return null;
183- }
184- } catch (IOException e) {
185- Log.e(TAG, "Failed to gather MD5 sums", e);
186- return null;
187- }
136+ try {
137+ process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su -v");
138+ BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
139+ suVersion = stdInput.readLine();
140+ } catch (IOException e) {
141+ Log.e(TAG, "Call to su failed. Perhaps the wrong version of su is present", e);
142+ return null;
143+ }
189- if (!binSuMd5.equals(xbinSuMd5)) {
190- Log.e(TAG, "/system/bin/su does not match /system/xbin/su. Possible symlink problem.");
191- return null;
192- } else {
193- return binSuMd5;
194- }
145+ return suVersion;
195146 }
148+ private void copyNewFiles() {
149+ int sdkVersion = Integer.parseInt(VERSION.SDK);
150+ InputStream fileInput = null;
151+ FileOutputStream fileOutput = null;
152+ int zipFile, binFile;
153+ Log.d(TAG, "sdkVersion = " + sdkVersion);
154+ if (sdkVersion < 5) {
155+ Log.d(TAG, "Copying files for cupcake/donut");
156+ zipFile = R.raw.su_2_3_bin_cd_signed;
157+ binFile = R.raw.su_cd;
158+ } else {
159+ Log.d(TAG, "Copying files for eclair/froyo");
160+ zipFile = R.raw.su_2_3_bin_ef_signed;
161+ binFile = R.raw.su_ef;
162+ }
163+ try {
164+ fileInput = getResources().openRawResource(zipFile);
165+ byte[] zipReader = new byte[fileInput.available()];
166+ while (fileInput.read(zipReader) != -1);
167+ fileInput.close();
168+ fileOutput = openFileOutput("su-2.3-bin.zip", MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
169+ fileOutput.write(zipReader);
170+ fileOutput.close();
172+ fileInput = getResources().openRawResource(binFile);
173+ byte[] binReader = new byte[fileInput.available()];
174+ while (fileInput.read(binReader) != -1);
175+ fileInput.close();
176+ fileOutput = openFileOutput("su", MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
177+ fileOutput.write(binReader);
178+ fileOutput.close();
179+ } catch (IOException e) {
180+ e.printStackTrace();
181+ } finally {
182+ }
184+ }
186+// private boolean remount(boolean writeable) {
187+// String device = null;
188+// String type = null;
189+// try {
190+// Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("mount");
191+// BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
192+// String line;
193+// while ((line = stdInput.readLine()) != null) {
194+// String[] array = line.split(" ");
195+// device = array[0];
196+// if (array[1].equals("on") && array[2].equals("/system")) {
197+// type = array[4];
198+// break;
199+// } else if (array[1].equals("/system")) {
200+// type = array[2];
201+// break;
202+// }
203+// }
204+// if (type != null) {
205+// String mode = writeable?"rw ":"ro ";
206+// String mountStr = "su -c mount -o remount," + mode + device + " /system";
207+// Log.d(TAG, mountStr);
208+// process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(mountStr);
209+// }
210+// } catch (IOException e) {
211+// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
212+// e.printStackTrace();
213+// return false;
214+// }
215+// return true;
216+// }
196217 }