Basic Information

Login Name:
Display Name:
Hidemasa Bono
Site Member Since:
2004-05-16 13:05
Activity Rank:
Out of rank
Self Introduction:
1997-2000 develop GFIT package in Perl (and UNIX shell)
2000-2001 design FANTOM system (in perl)
2003- design and develop SayaMatcher system in UNIX shell and Perl


Last Update (Registered Date)
BUGJA 2009-04-14 (2006-02-16) 다운로드
JAMBO 2009-04-14 (2004-05-15) 다운로드
オープンバイオ 2009-04-14 (2004-12-18) 다운로드
SayaMatcher(狭山茶) 2016-07-01 (2004-10-18)


No Chambers



NameExperienceSkill LevelDo you like/dislike the tech?
perl5 yr - 10 yr
sqlベース2 yr - 5 yr
c5 yr - 10 yr
php2 yr - 5 yr
html/xhtml5 yr - 10 yr
ruby< 6 Months
英語> 10 yr
日本語> 10 yr
その他5 yr - 10 yr
ネットワーク5 yr - 10 yr
ドキュメンテーション5 yr - 10 yr
エディタ5 yr - 10 yr
その他のネットワークベースdbms5 yr - 10 yr
rdf6 Mo - 2 yr
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