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XML catalogue of packages which are available for installation, using the mingw-get installer.

File Info

Rev. 17fc422d2b04015056b234c44fe659e9c2b1f7af
크기 6,813 bytes
Time 2021-04-12 17:23:45
Author Keith Marshall
Log Message

Publish MinGW.org WSL-5.4.2 package set.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<software-distribution project="MinGW" home="http://mingw.org" issue="@YYYYMMDDNN@">

  <!-- File: mingw32-xz.xml -->

  <package-collection subsystem="mingw32">
    <download-host uri="http://osdn.net/dl/mingw/%F" />

    <package name="mingw32-xz" alias="xz">
      <description lang="en" title="High performance compression based on the LZMA algorithm" >
        <paragraph>LZMA is data compression algorithm based on the
          Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm.  It provides high compression
          ratios and very fast decompression, with minimal memory requirements
          for decompression.  XZ Utils is the latest generation of this
          software, supplanting the older LZMA Utils, which itself was a
          friendly fork of the original LZMA SDK.  The xz package provides
          commandline utilities for compression and decompression of XZ and LZMA
          data, and documentation.  The associated liblzma package provides the
          runtime library and development files for creating applications that
          use LZMA or XZ compression.
        <paragraph>The MinGW/MSYS project provides both this native (mingw32)
          version and an MSYS version of the xz package(s).  While the latter is
          the primary tool from the perspective of the MSYS distribution, the
          MinGW version is provided as one of the prerequisites for the native
          (mingw32) basic-bsdtar utility.

      <licence tarname="xz-%-mingw32-%-lic.tar.%" />
      <source tarname="xz-%-mingw32-%-src.tar.%" />

      <component class="bin">
        <requires eq="mingw32-liblzma-%-mingw32-%-dll-5.tar" />

        <release tarname="xz-5.2.5-2-mingw32-bin.tar.xz">
          <requires eq="mingw32-libintl-*-mingw32-*-dll-8.tar" />
          <requires eq="mingw32-libiconv-*-mingw32-*-dll-2.tar" />
          <requires eq="mingw32-libgcc-*-mingw32-*-dll-1.tar" />
        <release tarname="xz-5.2.5-1-mingw32-bin.tar.xz" />
        <release tarname="xz-5.0.3-2-mingw32-bin.tar.lzma">
          <download tarname="none" />
        <release tarname="xz-4.999.9beta_20100401-1-mingw32-bin.tar.bz2">
          <download tarname="none" />

      <component class="ext">
        <requires eq="xz-%-mingw32-%-bin.tar.%" />
        <requires eq="msys-bash-*-msys-*-bin.tar" />
        <requires eq="msys-diffutils-*-msys-*-bin.tar" />
        <requires eq="msys-grep-*-msys-*-bin.tar" />
        <requires eq="msys-less-*-msys-*-bin.tar" />

        <release tarname="xz-5.2.5-2-mingw32-ext.tar.xz" />
        <release tarname="xz-5.2.5-1-mingw32-ext.tar.xz" />

      <component class="doc">
        <release tarname="xz-5.2.5-2-mingw32-doc.tar.xz" />
        <release tarname="xz-5.2.5-1-mingw32-doc.tar.xz" />
        <release tarname="xz-5.0.3-2-mingw32-doc.tar.lzma">
          <download tarname="none" />
        <release tarname="xz-4.999.9beta_20100401-1-mingw32-doc.tar.bz2">
          <download tarname="none" />

      <component class="man">
        <release tarname="xz-5.2.5-2-mingw32-man.tar.xz" />
        <release tarname="xz-5.2.5-1-mingw32-man.tar.xz" />

      <component class="lang">
        <release tarname="xz-5.2.5-2-mingw32-lang.tar.xz" />
        <release tarname="xz-5.2.5-1-mingw32-lang.tar.xz">
          <download tarname="none" />
        <release tarname="xz-5.0.3-2-mingw32-lang.tar.lzma">
          <download tarname="none" />
        <release tarname="xz-4.999.9beta_20100401-1-mingw32-lang.tar.bz2">
          <download tarname="none" />

      <component class="lic">
        <release tarname="xz-5.2.5-2-mingw32-lic.tar.xz" />
        <release tarname="xz-5.2.5-1-mingw32-lic.tar.xz" />
        <release tarname="xz-5.0.3-2-mingw32-lic.tar.lzma">
          <download tarname="none" />
        <release tarname="xz-4.999.9beta_20100401-1-mingw32-lic.tar.bz2">
          <download tarname="none" />

    <package name="mingw32-liblzma" alias="liblzma">
      <description lang="en" title="High performance compression library based on the LZMA algorithm" >
        <paragraph>LZMA is data compression algorithm based on the
          Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm.  It provides high compression
          ratios and very fast decompression, with minimal memory requirements
          for decompression.  XZ Utils is the latest generation of this
          software, supplanting the older LZMA Utils, which itself was a
          friendly fork of the original LZMA SDK.  The xz package provides
          commandline utilities for compression and decompression of XZ and LZMA
          data, and documentation.  The associated liblzma package provides the
          runtime library and development files for creating applications that
          use LZMA or XZ compression.
        <paragraph>The MinGW/MSYS project provides both this native (mingw32)
          version and an MSYS version of the liblzma package(s).  While the
          latter is the primary tool from the perspective of the MSYS
          distribution, the MinGW version is provided as one of the
          prerequisites for the native (mingw32) basic-bsdtar utility.

      <licence tarname="xz-%-mingw32-%-lic.tar.%" />
      <source tarname="xz-%-mingw32-%-src.tar.%" />

      <component class="dll">
        <release tarname="liblzma-5.2.5-2-mingw32-dll-5.tar.xz" />
        <release tarname="liblzma-5.2.5-1-mingw32-dll-5.tar.xz" />
        <release tarname="liblzma-5.0.3-2-mingw32-dll-5.tar.lzma">
          <download tarname="none" />
        <release tarname="liblzma-4.999.9beta_20100401-1-mingw32-dll-1.tar.bz2">
          <download tarname="none" />

      <component class="dev">
        <requires eq="mingw32-liblzma-%-mingw32-%-dll-5.tar" />

        <release tarname="liblzma-5.2.5-2-mingw32-dev.tar.xz" />
        <release tarname="liblzma-5.2.5-1-mingw32-dev.tar.xz" />
        <release tarname="liblzma-5.0.3-2-mingw32-dev.tar.lzma">
          <download tarname="none" />
        <release tarname="liblzma-4.999.9beta_20100401-1-mingw32-dev.tar.bz2">
          <download tarname="none" />

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